🏆 A Telegram Chart Contest 2019 award winning library.
mobile friendly
, high performance
, extra lightweight
, zero dependency
, production ready
, open source
import * as LovelyChart from 'lovely-chart';
import '~/lovely-chart/dist/LovelyChart.css';
LovelyChart.create(container, data);
— DOM Node in which the chart is rendered. The chart layout resizes automatically to occupy the entire available width.data
— Parameters for a chart.
Parameter | Description |
title |
Chart headline |
type |
Chart type. Supported types: line , area , bar , pie |
labels |
Array of UNIX timestamps in milliseconds |
datasets |
Array of params for each dataset |
datasets[*].name |
Dataset name |
datasets[*].color |
Dataset color |
datasets[*].values |
Array of dataset values |
isPercentage |
true for percentage based values |
isStacked |
true for values stacking on top of each other |
hasSecondYAxis |
true for charts with 2 Y axes |
onZoom |
Optional function which returns Promise with data for the zoomed chart (new data object) |