The Mailer extension enables form mail on a page.
You can define email templates using pages parts (email, and/or email_html). You configure the recipients and other Mailer settings in a “mailer” part:
subject: From the website of Whatever from: [email protected] redirect_to: /contact/thank-you recipients: - [email protected] - [email protected]
The following tags are available to help you build the form:
<r:mailer:form name=""> ... </r:mailer:form> <r:mailer:text name="" /> <r:mailer:password name="" /> <r:mailer:reset name="" /> <r:mailer:checkbox name="" /> <r:mailer:radio name="" /> <r:mailer:file name="" /> <r:mailer:radiogroup name=""> ... </r:mailer:radiogroup> <r:mailer:select name=""> ... </r:mailer:select> <r:mailer:date_select name=""/> <r:mailer:textarea name=""> ... </r:mailer:textarea> <r:mailer:option name="" /> <r:mailer:submit name="" /> <r:mailer:image name="" /> <r:mailer:submit_placeholder />
When processing the form (in email and email_html), the following tags are available:
<r:mailer:get name="" /> <r:mailer:get_each name=""> ... </r:mailer:get_each> <r:mailer:index />
Simple example of a form:
<r:mailer:form> <r:mailer:hidden name="subject" value="Email from my Radiant site!" /> <br/> Name:<br/> <r:mailer:text name="name" /> <br/> Message:<br/> <r:mailer:textarea name="message" /> <br/> <r:mailer:submit name="Send" /> </r:mailer:form>
You can specify fields which must be populated or the form will be invalid and will redisplay the page with an error informing the user to populate those fields.
Simple example of a required field:
<r:mailer:form> ... Name:<br/> <r:mailer:text name="name" required="true"/> <br/> ... <r:mailer:submit name="Send" /> </r:mailer:form>
Simple example of a required field with user-defined message:
<r:mailer:form> ... Name:<br/> <r:mailer:text name="name" required="should not be blank"/> <br/> ... <r:mailer:submit name="Send" /> </r:mailer:form>
You can also specify fields which must be validated ‘as_email’ (i.e. [email protected]).
Simple example of a required field with email address validation:
<r:mailer:form> ... Reply-To:<br/> <r:mailer:text name="reply_email" required="as_email"/> <br/> ... <r:mailer:submit name="Send" /> </r:mailer:form>
You can also specify fields which must be validated as defined regexp (i.e. /^d{2}.d{2}.d{4}$/ for date
Simple example of a required field with regexp validation:
<r:mailer:form> ... Birthday:<br/> <r:mailer:text name="birthday" required="/^\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}\$/"/> <br/> ... <r:mailer:submit name="Send" /> </r:mailer:form>
In many cases it is desirable to limit the maximum size of a file that may be uploaded. This is set as the max_filesize attribute for mailers in the mailer page part. Any file included in the form will have the limit imposed. Following is a simple example mailer part that includes a file size limit of 100,000 bytes:
subject: From the website of Whatever from: [email protected] redirect_to: /contact/thank-you max_filesize: 100000 recipients: - [email protected] - [email protected]
The following is a simple form that might be used to submit a file for the above configuration:
<r:mailer:form name="contact"> Type your message: <r:mailer:text name="themessage" /> <br/> Select a file: <r:mailer:file name="thefile" /> <br/> <r:mailer:submit value="submit"/> </r:mailer:form>
If a user does not select a file the other form contents will still be e-mailed. The <r:mailer:get name=“foo” /> (with <r:mailer:file name=“foo” />) will provide the uploaded file name.
If you are using email or email_html parts then the <r:mailer:get name=“” /> tag can be used to retrieve the name of the uploaded file. If no file was uploaded “” will be returned.
If you wish to show show that activity is taking place during submission you may use the <r:mailer:submit_placeholder /> tag in your form. This will insert a hidden div with the contents of the submit_placeholder page part. The div will be displayed when the user clicks any submit button.
Sometimes, rather than explicitly configuring the recipients and such in the mailer part, you’d rather have them passed in by the person submitting the form. Mailer supports this by allowing you to specify a form field to pull the value from:
from_field: my_form_field_that_contains_the_from_email_address
Then you just have to add that field to your mailer form and you’re all set.
This is supported for the from (from_field), recipients (recipients_field) and reply_to (reply_to_field) properties.
In environment.rb you’ll probably need to change:
config.frameworks -= [ :action_mailer ]
config.frameworks -= []
If you get this error “The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass: ‘MailerPage’.”, run ‘rake:radiant:extensions:mailer:migrate’. This will change all pages with a MailerPage classname into regular pages.
Second, your 'config' page part has to be renamed to 'mailer', and the first two YAML levels should be deleted (see instructions above).
If you are getting a stack level too deep error, it may be caused by using <r:mailer:get /> in your ‘mailer’ part. Use the from_field or other options to get to the email adress that was posted (see User-provided configuration).
Relative urls will almost certainly not work if the mailer fails validation. Solution? Only use absolute urls.
Field validation is currently implemented via easily spoofable HTML attributes. Think of them of more like guidelines.
Created by: M@ McCray -
Version: 0.2.1 Contact: [email protected]
Ported to ‘mental’ by: Sean Cribbs -
Version: 0.1 Contact: [email protected]
Seriously restructured by: Nathaniel Talbott -
Version: 0.2 Contact: [email protected] Work sponsored by: Ignite Social Media,