About this repository
Sudoku Solver using backtracking and brute forcing - LaPlateforme Formation
Backtracking approach: Starts by finding the first empty cell in the grid and tries to place numbers from 1 to 9 in that cell while checking if the placement is valid according to Sudoku rules (no duplicates in the same row, column, or 3x3 subgrid). If a valid placement is found, the method recursively attempts to solve the remaining puzzle.
Brute Force approach: Iterates through the Sudoku grid, attempting to place numbers from 1 to 9 at empty cells while checking if the placement is valid. If a valid placement is found, it continues solving the puzzle recursively.
Get started
using the terminal:
cd ~/Sudoku-Solver
python3 main.py
A more user-friendly way:
cd ~/Sudoku-Solver
python3 pygame_soduku.py
Benchmarking: The goal here is to compare the execution time of (1) brute force vs (2) backtracking method on 5 files that can be found in the 'soduku_puzzles' folder (Average execution time of these files).
cd ~/Sudoku-Solver
python3 benchmarking.py
=> The backtracking method is better because it takes less time compared to the naive resolution of the brute forcing