Within the context of optimisation, analytic approximations of the min and max operators are very useful. I found a few proposed solutions on the MathOverflow and after analysing their numerical stability decided to formulate my own variant inspired by the infinity norm.
- Standardises random vectors: https://www.britannica.com/topic/standardized-random-variable
- Maps vectors from R^n to R+^n, which is necessary for methods inspired by the infinity norm to work.
function analytic_min_max(X::Array{Float64, 1},N::Int64,case::Int64)
An analytic approximation to the min and max operators
X: a vector from R^n where n is unknown
N: an integer such that the approximation
improves with increasing N.
case: If case == 1 apply analytic_min(), otherwise
apply analytic_max() if case == 2
An approximation to min(X) if case == 1, and max(X) if
case == 2
if (case != 1)*(case != 2)
return print("Error: case isn't well defined")
## q is the degree of the approximation:
q = N*(-1)^case
mu, sigma = mean(X), std(X)
## rescale vector so it has zero mean and unit variance:
Z_score = (X.-mu)./sigma
exp_sum = sum(exp.(Z_score*q))
log_ = log(exp_sum)/q
return (log_*sigma)+mu
It took me about an hour to come up with my solution so I doubt this method is either original or state-of-the-art. If you know of a more robust method, feel free to join the discussion on the MathOverflow.