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Installing Postgres, NodeJS, and PhantomJS

Ahmed Gaber edited this page Jan 31, 2014 · 1 revision

We are using Postgres as a database management system, and PhantomJS as a part of testing the javascript application. In this document you will find the instructions for installing them besides NodeJS.

####Table of contents:

##For OS-X users: This is very easy using Homebrew, Homebrew is the best package manager out there for OS X.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

###Install Postgres:

brew install postgresql

###Install NodeJS:

brew install nodejs

###Install PhantomJS

brew update && brew install phantomjs

##For Ubuntu users:

###Install Postgres: Ubuntu includes PostgreSQL by default. To install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu just type this command:

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3

You can find more useful information here.

###Install NodeJS: Follow these instructions:

$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

Or if you're using a different Linux distribution, you can follow the instructions given here.

###Install PhantomJS Use wget to fetch the correct package from here.

For example, if you're using a 64-bit architecture:

$ wget
$ tar xvjf phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
$ cd phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-x86_64
$ ln -sf `pwd`/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/phantomjs

##For Windows users: Windows.. easy, sometimes tricky!.

###Install Postgres: Download the installer from here, install it, done!.

###Install NodeJS: Just like Postgres, you can easily download the installer from here.

###Install PhantomJS: Well, installing Phantom on Windows is a little tricky. But you can just follow these steps and everything will go well..

  1. Download the zip file from [here](
  2. Unzip it to any location. For example C:\phantomjs.
  3. Add ;C:\phantomjs\bin (or the correct path if you unzipped somewhere different) to the end of your PATH environment variable (you can find your environment variable following these steps).
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