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Merge pull request #103 from AgenceBio/fix/export-asp-numerobio
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thom4parisot authored Oct 23, 2023
2 parents 28a0c12 + d88445f commit 2a91649
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Showing 3 changed files with 74 additions and 44 deletions.
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -151,16 +151,21 @@ tippecanoe -Z10 -z14 --extend-zooms-if-still-dropping --no-tile-compression --si

## Exporter pour l'ASP

La commande produit un fichier GeoJSON. Elle accepte deux arguments, optionnels :

- `--only-c1` : filtre les parcelles à celles en C1, certifiées jusqu'au 19/09 de l'année en cours, et auditées avant le 15/05 de l'année en cours ;
- `--numerobio-path` : chemin du fichier CSV où consigner la liste des numéro bio des parcelles exportées.

### La couche au 15 mai (tout)

docker exec cartobio-api-production node bin/export-asp.js | jq '.[0]' | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp.gpkg /vsistdin/
docker exec cartobio-api-production node bin/export-asp.js --numerobio-path cartobio-asp.csv | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp.gpkg /vsistdin/

### La couche au 12 octobre (C1 uniquement)

docker exec cartobio-api-production node bin/export-asp.js --only-c1 | jq '.[0]' | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp-c1.gpkg /vsistdin/
docker exec cartobio-api-production node bin/export-asp.js --only-c1 --numerobio-path cartobio-asp-c1.csv | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp-c1.gpkg /vsistdin/

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106 changes: 65 additions & 41 deletions bin/export-asp.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,67 +3,78 @@
const db = require('../lib/db.js')
const QueryStream = require('pg-query-stream')
const JSONStream = require('jsonstream-next')
const { feature } = require('@turf/helpers')
const { pipeline } = require('node:stream/promises')
const minimist = require('minimist')
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs')
const { resolve } = require('path')

const cliOptions = {
alias: {
numerobioPath: ['numerobio-path'],
onlyC1: ['only-c1']
boolean: ['only-c1'],
string: ['campagne'],
string: ['campagne', 'numerobio-path'],
default: {
campagne: new Date().getFullYear()
campagne: new Date().getFullYear(),
numerobioPath: null

const { campagne, onlyC1 } = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), cliOptions)
const { campagne, numerobioPath, onlyC1 } = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), cliOptions)

// nouvelles en C1 avant le 15/05/2023
const maxCampagneDate = new Date(`${campagne}-05-15T23:59:59Z`).toISOString()
// controlées et certifiées avant le 20/09/2023
const maxAuditDate = onlyC1 ? new Date(`${campagne}-09-20T00:00:00Z`).toISOString() : maxCampagneDate
const maxAuditDate = onlyC1 ? new Date(`${campagne}-09-20T23:59:59Z`).toISOString() : maxCampagneDate
const conversionLevels = onlyC1 ? ['C1'] : ['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'AB']
// output numerobio list
const numerobioResolvedPath = numerobioPath ? resolve(process.cwd(), numerobioPath) : null
const numerobioStream = numerobioResolvedPath ? createWriteStream(numerobioResolvedPath) : null
const numerobioSet = new Set()

if (numerobioStream) {

const query = new QueryStream(/* sql */`-- pg
SELECT 'FeatureCollection' as type, json_agg(ST_AsGeoJSON(properties)::json) features
feature->'properties'->'conversion_niveau' AS conversion_niveau,
feature->'properties'->'engagement_date' AS engagement_date,
-- ST_Area(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->'geometry'), 4326)::geography) / 10000 as surface_ha,
-- ST_Area(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->'geometry'), 4326)::geography) as surface_m2,
certification_date AS certification_date_debut,
certification_date + interval '18 months' AS certification_date_fin,
-- on ne gère pas encore les déclassements
CASE WHEN feature->'properties'->'declassement' IS NULL THEN '{}'::jsonb else feature->'properties'->'declassement' END AS declassement,
-- on ne gère pas encore cette distinction
-- false as maraichage_diversifie,
feature->'geometry' AS geometry
feature->'properties'->'conversion_niveau' AS conversion_niveau,
feature->'properties'->'engagement_date' AS engagement_date,
-- ST_Area(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->'geometry'), 4326)::geography) / 10000 as surface_ha,
-- ST_Area(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->'geometry'), 4326)::geography) as surface_m2,
certification_date AS certification_date_debut,
certification_date + interval '18 months' AS certification_date_fin,
-- on ne gère pas encore les déclassements
CASE WHEN feature->'properties'->'declassement' IS NULL THEN '{}'::jsonb else feature->'properties'->'declassement' END AS declassement,
-- on ne gère pas encore cette distinction
-- false as maraichage_diversifie,
ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->'geometry'), 4326) AS geom
jsonb_array_elements("cartobio_operators"."parcelles" -> 'features') AS feature,
jsonb_path_query_first("cartobio_operators"."audit_history", '$[*] ? (@.state == "CERTIFIED").date')::text::date AS certification_date,
FROM "cartobio_operators"
WHERE certification_state = 'CERTIFIED'
-- la date de certification est AVANT le 15 mai 20xx (inclus)
AND audit_history @? '$[*] ? (@.state == "CERTIFIED" && <= "${maxAuditDate}")'
) features
WHERE feature->'properties'->>'conversion_niveau' = ANY ($1)
-- avec une date d'engagement inférieure au 15 mai 20xx (inclus)
-- ou une date pas renseignée
feature->'properties'->>'engagement_date' <= $2
OR feature->'properties'->>'engagement_date' = ''
OR jsonb_path_exists(feature, '$.properties.engagement_date') = FALSE
) properties;`, [conversionLevels, maxCampagneDate], { singleRowMode: true, rowMode: 'one' })
jsonb_array_elements("cartobio_operators"."parcelles" -> 'features') AS feature,
jsonb_path_query_first("cartobio_operators"."audit_history", '$[*] ? (@.state == "CERTIFIED").date')::text::date AS certification_date,
FROM "cartobio_operators"
WHERE certification_state = 'CERTIFIED'
-- la date de certification est AVANT le 15 mai 20xx (inclus)
AND audit_history @? '$[*] ? (@.state == "CERTIFIED" && <= "${maxAuditDate}")'
) features
feature->'properties'->>'conversion_niveau' = ANY ($1)
-- avec une date d'engagement inférieure au 15 mai 20xx (inclus)
-- ou une date pas renseignée
feature->'properties'->>'engagement_date' <= $2
OR feature->'properties'->>'engagement_date' = ''
OR jsonb_path_exists(feature, '$.properties.engagement_date') = FALSE
);`, [conversionLevels, maxCampagneDate])

;(async function main () {
const client = await db.connect()
Expand All @@ -79,7 +90,20 @@ FROM (

await pipeline([
async function * (cursor) {
for await (const record of cursor) {
const { numerobio, geometry, } = record
const f = feature(geometry, properties)

if (numerobioStream && !numerobioSet.has(numerobio)) {

yield f
JSONStream.stringify('{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [\n', '\n,\n', '\n]}\n'),
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,8 @@
"scripts": {
"build:communes-centroids": "node bin/build-communes-centroids.js",
"build:types": "tsc lib/outputs/*.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir docs/types",
"export-asp": "node bin/export-asp.js | jq '.[0]' | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp.gpkg /vsistdin/",
"export-asp": "node bin/export-asp.js --numerobio-path cartobio-asp.csv | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp.gpkg /vsistdin/",
"export-asp-c1": "node bin/export-asp.js --only-c1 --numerobio-path cartobio-asp-c1.csv | ogr2ogr cartobio-asp-c1.gpkg /vsistdin/",
"lint": "eslint --ignore-pattern 'migrations/*' .",
"prestart": "./node_modules/.bin/db-migrate up",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test jest --detectOpenHandles --collectCoverage --coverageReporters html --coverageReporters text-summary --coverageReporters lcovonly",
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