Data pipeline for Project-IMAQAL-COVID19.
This pipeline fetches all project data from a Rapid Pro instance and Coda, and processes it to produce data for manual labelling and verification in Coda, CSV files suitable for analysis, and some automatic analysis of that data.
Before the pipeline can be run, the following tools must be installed:
- Docker
- Bash
Development requires the following additional tools:
- Python 3.6
- pipenv
- git
A pipeline run consists of the following five steps, executed in sequence:
- Download coded data from Coda.
- Fetch all the relevant data from Rapid Pro.
- Process the raw data to produce the outputs required for coding and then for analysis.
- Upload the new data to Coda for manual verification and coding.
- Run automated analysis.
- Back-up the project data root.
- Upload execution logs/archives to long term storage.
To simplify the configuration and execution of these stages, this project includes a run_scripts
directory, which contains shell scripts for driving each of those stages.
To run the entire pipeline, see Run All Pipeline Stages.
To run the above stages individually, see these sections
To run all the pipeline stages at once, and create a compressed backup of the data directory after the run,
run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <user> <pipeline-configuration-file-path> <coda-pull-auth-file> <coda-push-auth-file> <avf-bucket-credentials-path> <coda-tools-root> <data-root> <data-backup-dir> <performance-logs-dir>
is the identifier of the person running the script, for use in the TracedData Metadata e.g.[email protected]
is an absolute path to a pipeline configuration json file.coda-pull-auth-file
is an absolute path to the private credentials file for the Coda instance to download manually coded datasets from.coda-push-auth-file
is an absolute path to the private credentials file for the Coda instance to upload datasets to be manually coded
is an absolute path to a json file containing the private key credentials for accessing a cloud storage credentials bucket containing all the other project credentials files.coda-tools-root
is an absolute path to a local directory containing a clone of the CodaV2 repository. If the given directory does not exist, the latest version of the Coda V2 repository will be cloned and set up in that location
is an absolute path to the directory in which all pipeline data should be
is a directory which thedata-root
directory will be backed-up to after the rest of the pipeline stages have completed. The data is gzipped and given the namedata-<utc-date-time-now>-<git-HEAD-hash>
This stage downloads coded datasets for this project from Coda (and is optional if manual coding hasn't started yet).
To use, run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <coda-auth-file> <coda-v2-root> <data-root>
is an absolute path to the private credentials file for the Coda instance to download coded datasets from.coda-v2-root
is an absolute path to a local directory containing a clone of the CodaV2 repository. If the given directory does not exist, the latest version of the Coda V2 repository will be cloned and set up in that location
is an absolute path to the directory in which all pipeline data should be stored. Downloaded Coda files are saved to<data-root>/Coded Coda Files/<dataset>.json
This stage fetches all the raw data required by the pipeline from Rapid Pro.
To use, run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <user> <google-cloud-credentials-file-path> <pipeline-configuration-file-path> <data-root>
is the identifier of the person running the script, for use in the TracedData Metadata e.g.[email protected]
is an absolute path to a json file containing the private key credentials for accessing a cloud storage credentials bucket containing all the other project credentials files.pipeline-configuration-file-path
is an absolute path to a pipeline configuration json
is an absolute path to the directory in which all pipeline data should be stored. Raw data will be saved to TracedData JSON files in<data-root>/Raw Data
This stage processes the raw data to produce outputs for ICR, Coda, and messages/individuals/production
CSVs for final analysis.
To use, run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <user> <google-cloud-credentials-file-path> <pipeline-configuration-file-path> <data-root>
is the identifier of the person running the script, for use in the TracedData Metadata e.g.[email protected]
is an absolute path to a json file containing the private key credentials for accessing a cloud storage credentials bucket containing all the other project credentials files.pipeline-configuration-file-path
is an absolute path to a pipeline configuration json
is an absolute path to the directory in which all pipeline data should be stored. All output files will be saved in<data-root>/Outputs
As well as uploading the messages, individuals, and production CSVs to Drive (if configured in the
pipeline configuration json file), this stage outputs the following files to <data-root>/Outputs
- Local copies of the messages, individuals, and production CSVs (
) - A serialized export of the list of TracedData objects representing all the data that was exported for analysis
) - For each week of radio shows, a random sample of 200 messages that weren't classified as noise, for use in ICR (
) - Coda V2 messages files for each dataset (
Coda Files/<dataset>.json
). To upload these to Coda, see the next step.
This stage uploads messages to Coda for manual coding and verification.
Messages which have already been uploaded will not be added again or overwritten.
To use, run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <coda-auth-file> <coda-v2-root> <data-root>
is an absolute path to the private credentials file for the Coda instance to download coded datasets from.coda-v2-root
is an absolute path to a local directory containing a clone of the CodaV2 repository. If the given directory does not exist, the latest version of the Coda V2 repository will be cloned and set up in that location
is an absolute path to the directory in which all pipeline data should be stored. Downloaded Coda files are saved to<data-root>/Coded Coda Files/<dataset>.json
This stage runs some standard, automated analysis, including generating standard analysis CSVs, charts, and
participation maps, and optionally uploads these to Google Drive. To use, run the following command from
the run_scripts
$ ./ <user> <google-cloud-credentials-file-path> <pipeline-configuration-file-path> <data-root>
is the identifier of the person running the script, for use in the TracedData Metadata e.g.[email protected]
is an absolute path to a json file containing the private key credentials for accessing a cloud storage credentials bucket containing all the other project credentials files.pipeline-configuration-file-path
is an absolute path to a pipeline configuration json
is an absolute path to the directory in which all pipeline data should be stored. All output files will be saved in<data-root>/Outputs
This stage makes a backup of the project data directory by creating a compressed, versioned, time-stamped copy at the
requested location.
To use, run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <data-root> <data-backups-dir>
is an absolute path to the directory to
is a directory which thedata-root
directory will be backed-up to. The data is gzipped and given the namedata-<utc-date-time-now>-<git-HEAD-hash>
This stage uploads the archive produced in the last step and a memory profile log of the generate outputs stage
to Google Cloud storage.
To use, run the following command from the run_scripts
$ ./ <user> <google-cloud-credentials-file-path> <pipeline-configuration-file-path> <run-id> <memory-profile-file-path> <data-archive-file-path>
is the identifier of the person running the script, for use in the TracedData Metadata e.g.[email protected]
is an absolute path to a json file containing the private key credentials for accessing a cloud storage credentials bucket containing all the other project credentials files.pipeline-configuration-file-path
is an absolute path to a pipeline configuration json
is a unique identifier for the run being uploaded. This will be included in all of the uploaded file names.memory-profile-file-path
is the path to the memory profile log file for this run to
is the path to the gzipped data archive produced by step (6) to upload.
To run the main processing stage with statistical cpu profiling enabled, pass the argument
--profile-cpu <cpu-profile-output-file>
to run_scripts/
The output is a HTML file generated by the statistical profiler pyinstrument,
which can be explored in a web browser.
To run the main processing stage with memory profiling enabled, pass the argument
--profile-memory <memory-profile-output-file>
to run_scripts/
The output file lists (memory usage, timestamp) pairs, sampled approximately every 0.1s.
To plot a graph of memory usage over time, on the host machine run:
# Install dependencies
$ pip install -U memory_profiler
$ pip install matplotlib
# Plot graph
$ mprof plot <path-to-memory-profile-file>
To annotate the graph with when specific functions were entered and exited, add @profile
the functions of interest. There is no need to import anything.
For full details on the memory profiler, see its documentation page.