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M. Vaitkus edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 15 revisions

Mass Edit allows you to link placeables keeping them together at relative positions to one another whenever you move or rotate them.

Linking is performed through a Linker Menu from which you can manage links by creating new link nodes, connecting placeables to them, removing them, and changing link types.

Linker Menu Example

Accessing Linker Menu

Currently the menu can only be accessed via the Open Linker Menu keybinding which is set to Shift+Q by default.

If the menu is opened without any selected placeables the menu will display all links present on the current scene.

If placeables are selected then only links for those placeables will be shown.

Creating Links

A link node is created via a Dobule-Click on any empty point within the window.

Placeables can then be attached by selecting them on the canvas and clicking the Attach Selected to Link control in the left pane.


Multi-Layer Select

Placeables can also be attached from across multiple layers via the Attach Multi-Layer Select to Link control.

Once the the control is clicked the mouse will be transformed into a reticle which can be dragged to select placeables across all layers.


Removing Links

Links can be removed in three ways

  • Selecting a linked placeable on the canvas and using the Remove all links from selected placeables control in the left control pane
  • Right-Clicking a placeable node which removes the link for just the clicked placeable
  • Right-Clicking a link node which removes the link for all connected placeables

Link Types

There are 3 types of links

  • TWO_WAY; placeables move other placeables and respond to them being moved
  • SEND; placeables move other placeables but DO NOT respond to them being moved
  • RECEIVE; placeables DO NOT move other placeables but respond to them being moved







Change Link Type

There are two methods of changing link types

  • One at a time by Left-Clicking the edge connecting a placeable node to a link node
  • En masse using Cycle control within the left control pane with a link node selected

Delete Linked Placeables

Linked placeables can be deleted all at once using the red trash can control within the Linker Menu not requiring you to traverse multiple layers to do so manually.

Select any one linked placeable on the canvas and click the control.


Alternatively Delete Selected & Linked keybinding can be used which will accomplish the same thing. It is set to Shift+Delete by default.

Link Token Behavior

To faciliate an easy creation of 'vehicles' a new region behavior type is introduced by the module: Link Token

This behavior links any token dragged into the region using a RECEIVE link, allowing tokens to hop on and off regions.


Edit Link Label

To help with organisation of more complex links you are able to assign labels to link nodes. This can be done by Double-Clicking link nodes.
