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Lessgo Color is a third year University project made by :
- Gustav Hubert
- Osman Simsek
- Paul-Antoine Bernard
- Marwan Ait Addi
- Thomas vendeville
The objective was to create a game that was playable by a large number of player (40 to 50 players) on the same screen and to then host a game night in a cinema to have people come and play our games.
We used python 3.8.5 for the server and the html/css/js stack for client side interactions, the connection between the client and the server is handled by a high efficiency router, we used WebSockets via the AIOHTTP package to handle server-client interactions and Pygame to display things on the screen, everything else is scratch built using only the standard libraries.
Simply clone the source code into a folder and run the following command : ./jeu.sh
it will run a bash script that will put you in the correct folder and run the main.py
if you can't run bash scripts on you operating system then got to the Jeu
folder and run
the main.py file with python3.