Command Line Interface clio is the utility for integration Creatio platform with development and CI/CD tools.
Please give clio-explorer, a Visual Studio code extension for clio a try! This extension provides user interface over clio commands.
To register clio as the global tool, run the command:
dotnet tool install clio
you can register clio for all users:
dotnet tool install clio -g
To unregister clio as the global tool, run the command:
dotnet tool uninstall clio
or for all users:
dotnet tool uninstall clio -g
More information you can see in .NET Core Global Tools overview.
clio register
clio unregister
- Download .net core for mac
- Register clio as the global tool, with the command:
dotnet tool install clio
More information you can see in .NET Core Global Tools overview.
Execute command in terminal for success check
clio help
To display available commands use:
clio help
For display command help use:
clio <COMMAND_NAME> --help
docker build -f ./install/Dockerfile -t clio .
docker run -it --rm clio help
docker run -it --rm clio reg-web-app -help