Advanced Python - Spring 2022 Project
An app where the user can manage all their expenses in one place. Adding, Editing or Visualizing made simple
To activate the virtual-environment setup, including the set of dependencies with their required version libraries, use the following command prior to running the modules :
source venvironment/bin/activate
- Building Roadmap
- Implement functionality for user to add their expenses, specifying the following fields :
- Title
- Category
- Date
- Amount
- Saving each edit to a csv
Category can be one of the following : Groceries, Entertainment, Travel, Shopping, Bills, Leasure or Investments
in terminal. -
Example case:
(base) kitamado:project-Deliverable-1 a0$ python Welcome to Expense Tracker! Let's start adding Expenses Enter the Title of the Expense: wii Enter Category as an Integer as follows: 1 : Groceries 2 : Entertainment 3 : Travel 4 : Shopping 5 : Bills 6 : Investments Category: 2 Enter the Date of the Expense as DD-MM-YYYY: 25-03-2021 Enter the Amount: 39.7 Expense successfully saved!
- Implement functionality for user to retrieve their expense data by date, timeframe or categories
- Load data from a csv file
- Allow filtering data by Date
- Allow filtering data by a window (timeframe)
- Allow filtering data by categoeis
- Implement Visualizations for expenses by week, month and categories
- Barchart or Piechart of weekly expenses
- Barchart or Piechart of monthly expenses
- Piechart of overall expenses by category
- Creating GitHub repository and commit all previous code
- Code refactoring - Pylint feedback
- Code refactoring - Object Oriented Programming
- Implement Expense Visualization Class
- Refactor code to use Try-Catch blocks for handling Exceptions
- For handling poorly formatted input (For ex. Date)
- Implement Unit Tests with atleast 4 test cases
Run python3 -v
in terminal.
- Set up virtual environment for all code dependencies and running the project
- Implement Functionality that allows user to select and edit expense entries
- User can filter expenses and select entries using Expense-ID identifier
- Editing each entry can be done field by field
- Prepare
- Exemplify with illustrations various functionalities of the module