I'm donating this game to the community for them to play with, pass it around, have some fun togather doing what we love! Do what you like, what ever makes you happy!
I made this MVP version of a virtual pet as my final project for
Spring22 MIT 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python.
I made of all the pixel graphics myself in Microsoft's Paint 3D app and the main code is writen in python.
This project was ment to showcase my knowledge on the topics we covered throughout the course, and I received an A+.
Just install Pygame:
pip install pygame
And run the fourleaf.py file.
Someday I would like to continue building this into a fully functional virtual pet game.
Anyone is more than welcome to build on my code. If you do continue building this, please show me what you accomplish.
- Clover Sue