###Overview Using the latest available image for SharePoint in the azure gallery, it will create a highly available SharePoint farm. Active directory infrastructure should already have been deployed. It requires the existence of a SQL Server Availability Group to which the SharePoint databases will be added.
###Virtual Machines (VMs)
- The number of app server VMs in the farm is controlled by the input parameter 'AppServerCount'.
- The number of web server VMs in the farm is controlled by the input parameter 'WebServerCount'.
###SharePoint Details
- Central Admin -
- Default Website -
NOTE: Use the farm admin credentials (provided at the time of deployment) for authentication.
###Limitations Following are the limitations of this template. Users can fork this repository and customize the template to fix them or wait for our periodic updates.
- The template does not allow selection of a image for the SharePoint VM.
- The template adds just a single data disk of 40 GB to the SharePoint VMs.