You may want to check out this alternative approach to build Chicken Scheme projects for Android. It utilizes Chicken Scheme's to cross-compile, and the NDK's ability to produce a stand-alone cross-compiler for a particular platform.
This project takes on a different approach: it produces NDK makefiles. It is currently not maintained, but is left here for reference.
A lightweight script to aid building chicken eggs and modules. In a very early development stage!
See the android
directory for a set of Chicken NDK modules that you can
import into your project.
$ git clone <this repo>
$ ln -s $PWD/<this repo>/chicken-mobile.scm ~/bin/chicken-mobile
$ ls -l ~/bin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 klm users 45 Nov 22 13:37 chicken-mobile -> ~/projects/chicken-mobile/chicken-mobile.scm
$ mkdir /tmp/chicken-mobile-test/ -p
$ cd /tmp/chicken-mobile-test/
$ chicken-mobile
$ find .
- Make work with the target build-dir
- Don't hardcode included modules! (duh)
- Read them from a nice project.scm instead
- Allow building non-module compilation units (non-eggs in current-project)
- Add plugin-features to allow compiling non-trivial modules, like chickmunk and cocoscheme