The goal of this task is to build a neural network model that predicts whether an employee will leave the present company or not depending on various factors. Given a dataset containing historical employee information, the model should predict whether a current employee is likely to leave the company. The dataset contains the following Columns:
(a) Education: The highest level of education attained by the individual.
(b) JoiningYear: The year in which the employee joined the current company.
(c) City: The city that the individual belongs to.
(d) PaymentTier: Depending on their current salary, the individuals are classified into different tiers.
(e) Age: Age of the employee.
(f) Gender: The gender of the individual.
(g) EverBenched: This is a boolean which tells whether the employee was ever put on the bench in the current company.
(h) ExperienceInCurrentDomain: Years of experience the individual has in the domain they are currently working.
(i) LeaveOrNot: This is the target variable (boolean) which tells whether the employee will leave the company or not.