Package lorawan provides structures and tools to read and write LoraWAN messages from and to a slice of bytes.
The following structures are implemented (+ fields):
* PHYPayload (MHDR | MACPayload | MIC)
* MACPayload (FHDR | FPort | FRMPayload)
* FHDR (DevAddr | FCtrl | FCnt | FOpts)
The Following message types (MType) are implemented:
* JoinRequest
* JoinAccept
* UnconfirmedDataUp
* UnconfirmedDataDown
* ConfirmedDataUp
* ConfirmedDataDown
* Proprietary (todo: add pluggable function for MIC calculation / validation)
The following MAC commands (and their optional payloads) are implemented:
* LinkCheckReq
* LinkCheckAns
* LinkADRReq
* LinkADRAns
* DutyCycleReq
* DutyCycleAns
* RXParamSetupReq
* RXParamSetupAns
* DevStatusReq
* DevStatusAns
* NewChannelReq
* NewChannelAns
* RXTimingSetupReq
* RXTimingSetupAns
* Support for proprietary commands (0x80 - 0xFF) will be implemented in the
future (mapping between CID and payload (size) is already done in a map
called macPayloadRegistry)
Support for calculating and setting the MIC is done by calling SetMIC():
err := phyPayload.SetMIC(key)
Validating the MIC is done by calling ValidateMIC():
valid, err := phyPayload.ValidateMIC(key)
Encryption and decryption of the MACPayload (for join-accept) is done by calling EncryptJoinAcceptPayload() and DecryptJoinAcceptPayload(). Note that you need to call SetMIC BEFORE encryption.
err := phyPayload.EncryptJoinAcceptPayload(key)
err := phyPayload.DecryptJoinAcceptPayload(key)
Encryption and decryption of the FRMPayload is done by calling EncryptFRMPayload() and DecryptFRMPayload(). After encryption (and thus before decryption), the bytes are stored in the DataPayload struct.
err := phyPayload.EncryptFRMPayload(key)
err := phyPayload.DecryptFRMPayload(key)
All payloads implement the Payload interface. Based on the MIC value, you should be able to know to which type to cast the Payload value, so you will be able to access its fields.
See the examples section of the documentation for more usage examples of this package.
When using this package, knowledge about the LoRaWAN specification is needed. You can request the LoRaWAN specification here:
The LoRaWAN specification defines various band specific defaults and
configuration. These can be found in the band
sub-package. Note that you
need to compile your project with the corresponding build tag of the ISM band.
E.g. for the EU 863-870 ISM band you would need to compile your project
with the tag eu_863_870
. Note that part is still work in progress.
See There is also an examples section with usage examples.
This package is licensed under the MIT license which can be found in LICENSE
LoRaWAN is a trademark of the LoRa Alliance Inc. (