Object Recognition Datasets and Challenges: A Review
Dataset | # of classes | # of images | Annotation type | Year | Description |
COIL-100 | 100 | 7,200 | Classification | 1996 | Single-object images with black background – 72 poses for each object. |
FERET | 1,199 | 14,126 | Classification | 1997 | Large-Scale face recognition dataset and testing framework. |
BSDS | - | 500 | Segmentation | 2001 | Category agnostic segmentation of natural context images. |
Caltech-101 | 102 | 9,144 | Bounding Box | 2003 | 101 common object categories. |
LabelMe | 182 | 62,197 | Polygons | 2005 | Public Online Annotation Tool Polygons instead of classification annotation. |
Caltech-256 | 257 | 30,307 | Bounding Box | 2006 | An extension for Caltech-101. |
Tiny Images | 75,062 | 80 m | Classification | 2009 | 32×32 images hierarchically annotated based on the Wordnet Lexical database. |
Dataset | # of Classes | # of Images | Average Objects Per Image | First Introduced |
PASCAL VOC | 20 | 22,591 | 2.3 | 2005 |
ImageNet | 21,841 | 14,197,122 | 3 | 2009 |
Microsoft COCO | 91 | 328,000 | 7.7 | 2014 |
Open Images | 600 | 9,178,275 | 8.1 | 2017 |
Challenge | Tasks Covered | # of Classes | # of Images | # of Annotated Objects | Years active | Task Description | Evaluation Metric |
PASCAL VOC | Image Classification | 20 | 11,540 | 27,450 | 2005 - 2012 | Absence/presence prediction of at least one instance of every class in each image | Average Precision |
Detection | 20 | 11,540 | 27,450 | 2005 - 2012 | Bounding box prediction for every instance of the challenge classes present in images | Average Precision with IoU > 0.5 | |
Segmentation | 20 | 2913 | 6929 | 2007 - 2012 | Semantic segmentation for the object classes | IoU | |
Action Classification | 10 | 4588 | 6278 | 2010 - 2012 | bounding box prediction or single points for persons performing an action and annotate with the corresponding action label | AP over action class classification | |
Person Layout Taster | 3 | 609 | 850 | 2007 - 2012 | Body part (hands, head, feet) detection with bounding boxes | AP calculated separately for parts, with IoU > 0.5 | |
ILSVRC | Image Classification | 1000 | 1,331,167 | 1,331,167 | 2010 - 2014 | Classification for one annotated class per image | Binary class error over the top 5 predictions per image |
Object Localization | 1000 | 573,966 | 657,231 | 2011 - 2017 | Bounding box detection for only one object per image | Binary class and bounding box IoU error over the top 5 predictions | |
Object Detection | 200 | 476,688 | 534,309 | 2013 - 2017 | Bounding box prediction for all instances per image | AP flexible recall threshold varied proportional to bounding box size | |
Object Detection from Video | 30 | 5,314 (video snippets) | - | 2015 - 2017 | Continuous bounding box prediction throughout video sequences | AP flexible recall threshold varied proportional to bounding box size | |
Microsoft COCO | Detection | 80 | 123,000+ | 500,000+ | 2015 - present | Instance Segmentation over object classes (things) | AP at IoU = [0.5:0.05:0.95] |
Keypoints | 17 | 123,000+ | 250,000+ | 2017 - present | Simultaneous object detection and keypoint localization | AP based on Object Keypoint Similarity (OKS) | |
Stuff | 91 | 123,000+ | - | 2017 – present | Pixelwise segmentation of background categories | Mean IoU | |
Panoptic | 171 | 123,000+ | 500,000+ | 2018 - present | Full segmentation of images (stuff and things) | Panoptic Quality | |
DensePose | - | 39,000 | 56,000 | 2019-present | Human body segmentation and mapping all the pixels of the body to a template 3D model | AP based on Geodesic Point Similarity (GPS) | |
Open Images | Object Detection | 500 | 1,743,042 | 12,421,955 | 2018 - present | Hierarchical-based bounding box detection | mAP |
Instance Segmentation | 300 | ~ 848,000 | 2,148,896 | 2018 - present | Instance Segmentation over object classes, negative labels included to refine training | mAP at IoU>0.5 | |
Visual Relationship Detection | 57 | 1,743,042 | 380,000 relationship triplets | 2018 - present | Labeling images with relationship triplets containing the interacting objects and the action class | A weighted sum of mAP and recall of number of relationships at IoU>0.5 |
Dataset | # of Images | # of Classes | # of Bounding Boxes | Year |
Caltech 101 | 9,144 | 102 | 9144 | 2003 |
MIT CSAIL | 2,500 | 21 | 2500 | 2004 |
Caltech 256 | 30,307 | 257 | 30,307 | 2006 |
Visual Genome | 108,000 | 76,340 | 4,102,818 | 2016 |
YouTube BB | 5.6 m | 23 | 5.6 m | 2017 |
Objects 365 | 638,000 | 365 | 10.1 m | 2019 |
Dataset | # of Images | # of Classes | # of Objects | Year | Challenge | Description |
SUN | 130,519 | 3819 | 313,884 | 2010 | No | The main purpose of the dataset is scene recognition, however instance-level segmentation masks have also been provided |
SBD | 10,000 | 20 | 20,000 | 2011 | No | Object contours on the train/validation images of PASCAL VOC |
Pascal Part | 11,540 | 191 | 27,450 | 2014 | No | Object part segmentations for all the 20 class in the PASCAL VOC dataset |
DAVIS | 150 (videos) | 4 | 449 | 2016 | Yes | A video object segmentation dataset and challenge focused on semi-supervised and unsupervised segmentation tasks |
YouTube-VOS | 4,453 (videos) | 94 | 7,755 | 2018 | Yes | videos object segmentation dataset collected of short (3s-6s) video snippets |
LVIS | 164,000 | 1000 | 2 m | 2019 | Yes | Instance segmentation annotations for a long-tail of classes with few samples |
LabelMe | 62,197 | 182 | 250,250 | 2005 | No | Instance-level segmentations, some of the background classes have also been annotated |
Dataset | # of Images | # of Classes | Additional Annotations | Year | Description |
15-Scene | 4,485 | 15 | - | 2006 | One of the earliest major scene classification datasets |
MIT Indoor67 | 15,620 | 67 | - | 2009 | Indoor scene classification in 5 main groups: Store, Home, Public Space, Leisure, and Working Place |
SUN | 130,519 | 899 | 313,844 SM (Objects) | 2010 | Classification dataset of navigable scenes with additional object recognition annotations |
SUN Attribute | 14,000 | 700 | 102 binary attributes per image | 2012 | attribute-based representation of scenes for a subset of the original SUN database |
Open Surfaces | 25,357 | 160 | 71,460 SM (Surfaces) | 2013 | Segmented surfaces in interior scenes with texture and material information |
Places2 | 10 m | 476 | - | 2017 | Classification of scenes bounded by spaces a human body would fit, with binary attributes |
Dataset | # of Images | Stuff Classes | Object Classes | Year | Challenge | Highlights |
MSRC 21 | 591 | 6 | 15 | 2006 | No | One of the earliest semantic scene parsing datasets, Images were later used in [71], [101] |
Stanford Background | 715 | 7 | 1 | 2009 | No | Outdoor scene parsing dataset collected from LabelMe, MSRC, and PASCAL VOC. Geometric features also included |
SiftFlow | 2688 | 18 | 15 | 2009 | No | An early dataset on outdoor environment scene parsing labeled using LabelMe |
Barcelona | 15,150 | 31 | 139 | 2010 | No | A subset of the LabelMe dataset |
NYU Depth V2 | 1,449 | 26 | 893 | 2012 | No | Parsing of 464 cluttered indoor scenes, depth maps also included. Semantic segmentation for objects |
SUN+LM | 45,676 | 52 | 180 | 2013 | No | A fully annotated subset of LabelMe and SUN datasets with both indoor and outdoor images |
PASCAL Context | 10,103 | 152 | 388 | 2014 | No | Pixel-wise semantic segmentation on the PASCAL VOC dataset. 520 new object and stuff categories were added to the original dataset. |
SUN RGB-D | 10,335 | 47 | 800 | 2015 | Yes | Indoor scene parsing dataset and benchmark, 3D bounding boxes also provided |
Cityscapes | 25,000 | 14 | 13 | 2016 | No | Images captured from a vehicle driving in urban environments across 50 cities in different weather conditions in Europe. Instance-level segmentations |
ADE20K | 25,210 | 1,242 | 1,451 | 2017 | Yes | Includes object part labels, and attributes. Instance-level segmentations |
Synscapes | 25,000 | 14 | 13 | 2018 | No | Photo-realistic synthetic scene parsing of urban environments. Annotation categories are the same as Cityscapes. Instance-level segmentations |
MS COCO Stuff | 163,957 | 91 | 80 | 2018 | Yes | Pixel-wise semantic segmentation for the entire MS COCO dataset |
Dataset | Year | Location | Annotated frames | ** # of Classes ** | Object Annotations | Highlights |
KITTI | 2012 | Karlsruhe, Germany | 15k | 8 | 200k 3D BB | Pioneer benchmark dataset for 3D object detection, multimodal |
Cityscapes | 2016 | 50 cities in EU | 25k | 27 | 65k SM | annotation richness, scene variability and complexity Provided with depth information with stereo image and sensors |
BDD 100k | 2017 | NY, SF | 100k | 40 Objects 8 Lanes | 1.8M BB | Diversified in location and weather conditions, Instance segmentation masks provided for 10k images of the dataset |
KAIST | 2018 | Seoul | 8.9k | 3 | 308k BB | All-day capture conditions (e.g., sunrise, morning, noon, etc.), multimodal |
ApolloScape | 2018 | 4x China | 144k | 25 Object28 Lanes | 70k 3D BB | Contains lane markings based on the lane colours and styles, Instance level annotations are available , Tricycles are also annotated |
A*3D | 2019 | Singapore | 39k | 7 | 230k 3D BB | Focused on pedestrian detection High driving speed and low annotation speed |
Argoverse | 2019 | Miami, Pittsburgh | 22k | 15 | 993k 3D BB | Focused on 3D object tracking and motion forecasting, Annotated HD semantic maps included |
Automative RADAR | 2019 | Germany | 500 | 7 | 3000 3D BB | RADAR data and object detection based on RADAR data |
H3D | 2019 | SF | 27k | 8 | 1.1M 3D BB | to stimulate research on full-surround 3D multi object detection and tracking |
nuScenes | 2019 | Boston, SG | 40k | 23 | 1.4M 3D BB | First dataset provided 3D dataset with attribute annotations, first to provide RADAR data, rich multimodal information |
Waymo | 2019 | 3x USA | 200k | 4 | 9.9M BB, 12M 3D BB | 15 times diverse than any available data, First dataset- such low-level synchronized info available, making it easier to conduct research on LiDAR input representation other than the popular 3D point set format |
Mapillary Vistas | 2017 | Global | 25k | 152 | 8M SM | Scene-parsing with instance-level object segmentation with a diverse geographic, weather, season and daytime extent |
Lyft L5 | 2019 | Paolo Alto | 46k | 9 | 1.3M 3D BB | Multimodal captured by a fleet of vehicles, an annotated LiDAR semantic map is provided, |
D²-City | 2019 | China | 700k | 12 | 50k BB | Sampled from dashcam video sequences, Bounding cube annotations, Tricycles are also annotated |
Table 9 – Pedestrian Detection Datasets. Number of images does not include unannotated images. Unique pedestrians are considered for the number of pedestrians.
Dataset | Year | # of Cities | # of Images | # of Pedestrians | Highlights |
CityPersons | 2017 | 27 cities in EU | 5000 | 35016 | Built on top of the Cityscapes dataset |
INRIA | 2005 | - | 614 | 902 | Occlusion labels included |
Caltech | 2009 | 1 | 250,000 | 2300 | Temporal correspondence and occlusion labels included, Sampled from 10 hours of video |
MIT Ped. | 2000 | - | 1800 | 1800 | Labelled using the LabelMe annotation tool |
EuroCity | 2018 | 31 cities in EU | 47,000 | 238,000 | Largest pedestrian detection dataset to date |
NightOwls | 2018 | 7 | 32 | 55,000 | Pedestrian detection at night time, detailed annotations attributes: pose, occlusion, and height |
Daimler | 2009 | 1 | 21,790 | 56,492 | Occlusion attributes provided, monocular images |
Dataset | Year | Location | Road span/Area | Size of data | Highlights |
NGSIM | 2005 | USA | 500-640m Span of road | 90 min | Video cameras attached to the adjacent buildings Speed levels more than 75km/h are not included in the dataset Very less amount of truck class |
HighD | 2017 | Germany | 420m Span of road | 16.5 hours | Drone based dataset with five scenario description layers, the first 3 layers include static scenario description, 4th layer includes dynamic description,5th layer includes environment conditions |
The inD (Intersection Drone Dataset) | 2017 | 4 locations in Aachen, Germany | Altitude 100m 80x40 meters to 140x70 meters | 10 hours Of video recording | dataset contains more than 11500 road users including vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians at intersections |
INTERACTION | 2019 | USA, China, Bulgaria, Germany | n/a | 365min+ 433min+ 133min+ 60min | Data collected from drones and traffic cameras Multimodal, driving behavior |
AU-AIR | 2019 | Aarhus, Denmark | Flight altitude (5m to 30m) and camera angle 45 to 90 degree | 2 hours | multi-modal sensor data (i.e., visual, time, location, altitude, IMU, velocity) differences between natural and aerial images in the context of object detection task |
Challenge/Benchmark | Year | Task | Dataset | Metric | Highlight |
CVPR 2018 - Video Segmentation Challenge | 2018 | Video Segmentation | - | mAP & IoU | Segmentation of movable object from video frames. |
CVPR 2018 - Berkeley DeepDrive challenges | 2018 | Road Object Detection & Drivable Area Segmentation & Domain adaptation | BDD 100K dataset | AP & IoU | Multi-tasks. |
nuScenecs 3D detection challenge | 2019 | 3D model generation | nuScenes dataset | mAP & TP | Generate 3D model of the environment. Using sensor data retrieved from camera, lidar, and radar. |
Lyft 3D Detection for Autonomous Vehicle | 2019 | Object detection | Lyft Level 5 dataset | IoU | 3D object detection over semantic maps. |
NightOwls Pedestrian Detection Challenge | 2019 | Pedestrian detection | NightOwls dataset | Standard average missing rate | RGB pictures of pedestrians in dim environment. |
D²-City Detection Domain Adaptation Challenge | 2019 | Object detection & Domain adaptation | Image-Net & BDD 100K datasets | AP & IoU | Transfer learning. Domain adaptation for datasets from two different countries. |
WIDER Face & Person Challenge | 2019 | Pedestrian detection | WIDER dataset | mAP & IoU | Detection of pedestrians and cyclist in unconstrained environment. |
CVPR 2019 - Beyond Single-frame Perception | 2019 | 3D object detection | - | mAP & IoU | Using 3D lidar scanned point clouds. High quality dataset with different environment conditions. |
The KITTI 3D Object Evaluation Benchmark | 2017 | Object detection | KITTI dataset | precision-recall curve & AP | Dataset consists of images with their point clouds. |
GM-ATCI Rear-view pedestrians dataset Benchmark | 2016 | Pedestrian detection | GM-ATCI Rear-view pedestrians dataset | IoU | Study of position and occlusion pattern of pedestrian |
Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark | 2012 | Pedestrian detection | Caltech Pedestrian dataset | IoU | - |
The KITTI 2D Object Evaluation Benchmark | 2012 | Object detection & Object Orientation | KITTI dataset | precision-recall curve & AP & average orientation similarity | Objection detection from 2D RGB images |
Dataset | Size | Year | Target disease/organ | Content | Challenge/ Benchmark | Description |
NLM's MedPix Database | 59000 images | - | - | Integrated images | no | A free online dataset contains more than 12000 patient cases |
STARE Database | ~400 cases | - | Eye | retinal images | no | Blood vessel segmentation images |
SMIR | 350425 images | - | - | CT scans | yes | 51 subjects of whole-body postmortem CT scans |
EchoNet-Dynamic | 10030 images | 2020 | Heart | Echocardiographic video frames | yes | An expert labeled dataset for the study of cardiac motion and chamber size. |
Atlas of Digital Pathology | 17668 images | 2020 | Radiological diagnosis | Histological patch images | yes | Images of different organs with 57 types of hierarchical tissue annotated |
COVID-CT Dataset | 349 images | 2020 | COVID19 | CT scans | no | Specifically targeting the worldwide pandemic virus. |
SARAS-ESAD Dataset | 22601 frames | 2020 | Prostatectomy procedure | Video frames | yes | A dataset of videos showing the full prostatectomy procedure by surgeons |
The StructSeg 2019 Dataset | 120 cases | 2019 | Radiotherapy planning | CT scans | yes | A dataset for the treatment of cancers |
ODIR-5K | 5000 images | 2019 | Eye | fundus photographs | yes | Fundus images taken by various cameras with different resolutions |
DRIVE | 400 cases | 2019 | Eye | Retinal images | yes | Images of 400 different patients between 25-90 years of age. |
The RSNA Brain Hemorrhage CT Dataset | 874035 images | 2019 | Brain Hemorrhage | CT scans | yes | Images gathered from 2 medical societies and 60 neuroradiologists |
The KiTs19 Challenge Dataset | 300 cases | 2019 | Kidney tumor | CT scans | yes | A dataset of multi-phase CT imaging with segmentation masks |
SegTHOR | 60 scans | 2019 | Lung | CT scans | No | A dataset focused on the segmentation of organs at risk in the thorax |
The EAD Challenge Dataset | 2700 images | 2019 | Hollow organs | Endoscopic video frames | yes | Images collected from 6 different data centers |
Oasis Brains Dataset | ~1000 cases | 2019 | Brain | MRI & PET images | no | A dataset collected over 30 years |
CheXpert | 224316 images | 2019 | Chest | Chest radiographs | yes | A dataset labeled by an automatic labeler |
LERA | 182 patients | 2019 | Musculoskeletal disorder | Radiographs | yes | Images of hip, foot, ankle and knee of patients for the study of musculoskeletal disorders |
CAMEL colorectal adenoma Dataset | 177 cases | 2019 | Cancer | Histology images | no | A dataset for segmentation of cancerous parts in organ |
BACH Dataset | 430 images | 2019 | Breast cancer | Microscopy & whole-slide images | yes | Microscopy images labelled by 2 experts |
MRNet | 1370 patients | 2018 | Knee | MRI | yes | A dataset for autonomous MRI diagnosis |
The REFUGE Challenge Dataset | 1200 images | 2018 | Glaucoma | Fundus photographs | yes | The dataset was collected using two types of devices. |
MURA | 40561 images | 2018 | Bone | musculoskeletal radiographs | yes | A manually labeled dataset by board-certificated Stanford radiologists, containing 7 body types: finger, hand, elbow, forearm, humerus, wrist and shoulder |
Calgary-Campinas Public Brain MR Dataset | 167 scans | 2018 | Brain | MRI | no | A dataset for analysis of brain MRI |
HAM 10000 Dataset | 10015 images | 2018 | Skin lesions | Dermatoscopic images | yes | A multi-modal and multi-population dataset |
NIH Chest X-ray Dataset | 100000 images | 2017 | Chest | X-ray images | no | A dataset of x-ray images |
RESECT | 23 patients | 2017 | Cerebral Tumor | MRI & intra-operative ultrasound | yes | A dataset of homologous landmarks |
Cancer Digital Slide Archive | - | 2017 | Cancers | Glass slides of histologic images | no | High resolution detailed images of tissue microenvironments and cytologic details |
609 Spinal Anterior-posterior X-ray Dataset | 609 images | 2017 | Spine | X-ray images | No | Each vertebra was located by a landmark and the landmark is used to calculate Cobb angles. |
Cholec80 | 80 videos | 2016 | Surgery | Video frames | no | A dataset containing 80 videos of surgeries performed by 13 different surgeons |
CRCHistoPhenotypes - Labeled Cell Nuclei Data | 100 images | 2016 | Cell | Histology images | no | 100 H&E stained histology images of colorectal adenocarcinomas |
CSI 2014 Vertebra Segmentation Challenge Dataset | 10 scans | 2016 | Spine | CT scan | yes | Entire thoracic and lumbar spine were covered by the images. The in-plane resolution is from 0.31 to 0.45mm. The slice-thickness is 1mm or 2mm. |
Multi-Modality Vertebra Dataset | 20 cases | 2015 | Vertebra | MRI & CT scan | no | The 3D vertebra centre location and orientation are annotated. |
CVC colon DB | 1200 frames | 2012 | colon & rectum | Colonoscopy video frames | no | The dataset's region of interest has been annotated. The video frames were specifically chosen for maximum visual distinction among them. |
LIDC-IDRI Database | 1018 cases | 2011 | Lung nodule | CT scans | yes | A database created by 7 academic centers and 8 medical imaging companies |
Computed Tomography Emphysema Dataset | 115 slices | 2010 | COPD | CT scans | no | High-resolution CT scans |
DIARETDB1 | 89 images | 2007 | Diabetic retinopathy | fundus photographs | no | A database for benchmarking the detection of diabetic retinography |
ELCAP Public Lung Image Database | 50 sets | 2003 | Lung | CT scans | no | 50 low-dose documented CT scans for lungs containing nodules |
The Digital Database for Screening Mammography | 2620 cases | 1998 | Breast | Mammography images | no | The database has the function for user to search classes among normal, benign and cancer. |
Challenge | Year | Task | Dataset | Metric | Highlight |
SARAS | 2020 | Detection | SARAS-ESAD Dataset | mAP | Promote the AI integrated minimally invasive surgery. It starts with the detection of surgeons' actions. |
REFUGE | 2020 | Detection & Segmentation | REFUGE Challenge Dataset | - | Promote automated segmentation and detection for glaucoma. |
StructSeg | 2019 | Segmentation | The StructSeg 2019 Dataset | DSC & 95% Hausdoff Distance | Targeting both lung cancer and nasopharynx cancer. Evaluation of gross target volume and organs at risk. |
DRIVE | 2019 | Segmentation | DRIVE | Overall prediction accuracy and s score | Promote the implementation of screening programs for diabetic retinopathy, Promote the diagnosis of hypertension and computer-assisted laser surgery |
ODIR | 2019 | Classification | ODIR-5K | Precision, accuracy and dice similarity | Promote the implementation of AI in retinal image analysis, |
RSNA Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection | 2019 | Detection | The RSNA Brain Hemorrhage CT Dataset | Weighted multi-label log loss | Promote the detection of acute intracranial hemorrhage and respective subtypes. |
KiTS | 2019 | Segmentation | The KiTs19 Challenge Dataset | FROC | Promote kidney tumor semantic segmentation. |
EAD | 2019 | Classification Detection Segmentation | The EAD Challenge Dataset | average Dice coefficient | Promote the diagnosis and treatment for diseases in hollow organs. |
AASCE | 2019 | Regression | AASCE Challenge Dataset | Symmetric mean absolute percentage error | Promote methologies for automated spinal curvature estimation and correction of error from x-ray images |
CuRIOUS | 2019 | Registration | RESECT | Threshold Jaccard Index and normalized multi-class accuracy | Promote the implementation of AI to surgery. |
ISIC | 2018 | Classification | The HAM 10000 | mAP, IoU, Dice coefficient, Jaccard Index, F2 score and deviation score. | Promote the automated diagnosis of melanoma. |
Data Science Bowl - Find the nuclei in divergent images to advance medical discovery | 2018 | Classification | - | IoU | Promote the detection of nucleus. Further drive the development of cures for various diseases. |
ICIAR | 2018 | Classification Segmentation | BACH | Mean target registration errors | Promote the early diagnosis of breast cancer to increase the cure rate significantly. |
LUNA | 2016 | Classification Detection | LIDC-IDRI | Kappa score, F1 score and AUC | The challenge focuses on large-scale evaluation of automatic detection of lung nodule algorithms. |
Table 14 – Well-known face recognition datasets. Abbreviations in the table: Oclusion (O), Pose (P), Age (A), Expression (E), Skin color (S), Gender (G), Bounding Boxes (BB), Keypoints (KP), V (video)
Dataset | Year | # of Subjects | # of Images | Additional Information | Highlights |
VGGFace | 2015 | 2,622 | 2.6 M | A | Large-scale celebrity recognition with high intra-class variations |
VGGFace2 | 2018 | 9,131 | 3.31M | A, P | Diversified pose, age, and ethnicity of celebrity faces |
LFW | 2007 | 5,749 | 13,233 | - | The first unconstrained FR dataset |
MegaFace | 2016 | 672,052 | 4.7 M | - | Raised difficulty by including 1 M distractors, non-celebrity subjects |
YTF | 2011 | 1,595 | 3,425 V | - | Designed for face verification in videos; same format as LFW |
CASIA-WebFace | 2014 | 10,577 | 494,414 | - | First publicly available large-scale FR dataset |
IJB-A | 2015 | 500 | 5,712 | BB, KP | Manually verified bounding boxes for face detection, nose and eye keypoints included |
MS-Celeb-1M | 2016 | 100,000 | 10 M | - | Celebrity identification dataset and benchmark with a linked celebrity knowledge base |
Pubfig | 2009 | 200 | 60,000 | A, E, G, P, BB | 73 automatically generated attributes provided, same format as LFW |
CelebA | 2015 | 10,177 | 202,599 | KP | Designed for face attribute prediction in the wild, 40 binary attributes included |
DiF | 2019 | - | 0.97 M | A, P, S, BB, KP | Quantitative facial features included to reduce recognition bias across different demographics |
IMDB-Face | 2015 | 100,000 | 460,723 | A, G | Age and gender prediction on a set of celebrities collected from IMDB |
UMDFaces | 2016 | 8,501 | 367,920 | A, P, G, BB, KP | Detailed human-verified attributes and annotations |
IJB-B | 2015 | 1,845 | 21,798 | A, G, P, S | A superset of IJB-A with additional occlusion, illumination |
IJB-C | 2018 | 3,531 | 31,334 | A, G, P, S | An improvement upon IJB-B with a focus on diversifying the geographic coverage of subjects |
FaceScrub | 2014 | 695 | 141,130 | G | A broad dataset of movie celebrities gathered from IMDB |
CACD | 2014 | 2,000 | 163,446 | A | Images include age variations for each subject for cross-age face recognition and retrieval, only 200 subjects are manually annotated. |
Table 15 – Remote sensing object detection datasets. Dataset size is the number of images unless states otherwise
Dataset | Year | Annotation | Size | Spatial Resolution (cm per pixel) | Description |
SpaceNet C.1&C.2 | 2019 | 685,000 buildings | 5,555 | 30-50 | building footprints annotated using polygons, 5 cities |
SpaceNet C.3 | 2019 | 8,676 km road | 5,555 | 30-50 | Road centerlines labeled based on the OpenStreetMap scheme |
COWC | 2016 | 32,716 vehicles | - | 15 | Car detection dataset gathered from 6 cities in North America and Europe, cars annotated with points on centroids |
xView | 2018 | 1M objects | 1,400 | 30 | Large-scale object overhead object detection dataset with bounding box annotations |
FMoW | 2017 | 132,700 objects | 1M | - | Temporal image sequences from over 200 countries with the purpose visual reasoning about location, time, and sun angles. Bounding box annotations |
NWPU-RESISC45 | 2017 | 31,500 scenes | 31,500 | 20-3000 | Aerial scene classification dataset with variations in spatial resolution, illumination, object pose, occlusion |
TorontoCity | 2016 | 400,000 buildings | 712 | 10 | RGB and LiDAR Aerial imagery of the greater Toronto area augmented with and street-view stereo and LiDAR |
DOTA | 2018 | 188,282 objects | 2,806 | - | Rotated bounding box annotations verified by expert annotators, 15 common classes |
TAS | 2008 | 1,319 vehicles | 30 | - | An early annotated remote sensing dataset from collected from google earth, bounding boxes |
DLR3K | 2013 | 3,472 vehicles | 20 | 13 | Rotated bounding boxes with additional orientation annotations |
NWPU VHR-10 | 2016 | 3,775 objects | 715 | 50-200 | generic object detection dataset with 10 classes, bounding box annotations |
LEVIR | 2018 | 11,000 objects | 22,000 | 20-100 | Bounding boxes, annotations provided for airplanes, ships, and oilpots |
VEDAI | 2016 | 3,600 vehicles | 1,210 | 12.5 | Small vehicle detection consisting of 9 vehicle classes, rotated bounding boxes |
UCAS-AOD | 2015 | 6,000 objects | 910 | - | Rotated bounding box annotations, vehicle and airplane detection, taken from Google Earth |
AID | 2016 | 10,000 scenes | 10,000 | 50-800 | Aerial scene classification with 30 classes |
Table 16 – Remote sensing challenges. * the number of classes for the land cover classification task.
Challenge | Year | Dataset size | # of Classes | Evaluation Metric | Task |
SpaceNet C.1&C.2 | 2019 | 5,555 | 2 | score | Building footprint detection in 5 cities |
SpaceNet C.3 | 2019 | 5,555 | 1 | Average Path Length Similarity | Road network extraction |
FMoW | 2017 | 1 M | 63 | score | Object Classification |
DSTL | 2017 | 57 | 10 | IoU | Semantic Segmentation |
NWPU- RESISC45 | 2017 | 31,500 | 45 | Accuracy | Scene Classification |
DIUx xView | 2018 | 1,400 | 60 | IoU | Object detection |
DeepGlobe | 2018 | 10,000 | 7 * | IoU, score | Building segmentation, road extraction, land cover classification |
Dataset | # of Images | # of Classes | # of Annotations | Year | Challenge | Description |
Flower 102 | 8,189 | 103 | 8,189 SM | 2008 | No | Flower recognition dataset of 103 flower categories common in the United Kingdom |
Caltech-Birds 2011 | 11,788 | 200 | 11,788 BB | 2011 | No | 15 part locations and 28 attributes for each bird |
Stanford Dogs | 22,000 | 120 | 22,000 BB | 2011 | No | Single-object per image dataset for dog breed recognition |
F4K | 27,370 | 23 | 27,370 CL | 2012 | No | Fish recognition dataset annotated by following marine biologists |
Snapshot Serengeti | 1.2 m | 61 | 406,433 CL, 150,000 BB | 2014 | No | Wild animal classification dataset gathered using 225 camera-traps in Serengeti National Park in Africa |
NABirds | 48,562 | 555 | 48,562 BB | 2015 | No | Expert-curated dataset of North American birds, 11 bird parts annotated in every image |
PlantCLEF | 434,251 | 10,000 | 10,000 CL | 2015 | Yes | Plant classification dataset gathered in the Amazon rainforest |
iNat | 675,175 | 5,089 | 561,767 BB | 2017 | Yes | Manually collected dataset of 13 super-class and 5k sub-class species, organized in a hierarchical taxonomy, highly imbalanced |
Dogs-in-the-Wild | 300,000 | 362 | 300,000 CL | 2018 | No | A large dataset for dog breed classification in natural environments |
AnimalWeb | 21,900 | 334 | 198k KP | 2019 | No | Hierarchically categorized dataset for animal face recognition with 9 keypoint annotations per face |
IP102 | 75,000 | 102 | 75,000 CL, 19,000 BB | 2019 | No | Hierarchically categorized dataset for insect pest recognition |
Dataset | # of Images | # of Classes | # of Annotated Clothing instances | Annotation Type | Year | Challenge/Benchmark | # of Attributes |
DARN | 182,000 | 20 | 182,000 | BB | 2015 | No | 9 |
Street2Shop | 404,000 | 11 | 20,357 | BB | 2015 | No | - |
DeepFashion | 800,000 | 50 | 180,000 | KP | 2016 | Yes | 5 |
ModaNet | 55,000 | 13 | 240,000 | BB, SM | 2018 | No | - |
FashionAI | 324,000 | 41 | 324,000 | KP | 2018 | No | 68 |
Deepfashion2 | 491,000 | 13 | 801,000 | BB, SM, KP | 2019 | Yes | 4 |