To access the Role based control app run the main.py using python interpreter. It gives the following options:
Welcome to xyz:
Enter 1 to Add user: To add a new user you select this option. You have to enter a username that is unique to the database.
Enter 2 to Delete user: To delete a user from the database you use this option.
Enter 3 to Update user details: To update a user record from the database you use this option.
Enter 4 to access data: To access the resources in database you have to use this option. You need to enter your username and the required operation you wantto perform i.e. read , write or delete. You should have the appropriate access level to perform the operation.
Enter 5 to assign role: You can assign the roles for a user using this option. You need to enter the username for the user here. A single user can have multiple roles and based on these roles the access levels are assigned to the user.
Enter 6 to remove role: You can remove the roles from a given user using this option.You need to enter the username for the user here. You can remove multiple roles of a user from the database. This also modifies the access levels based on role removal.
Enter 7 to exit
Following points are to be Noted:
The role based access control was developed on a local server.
Add user, delete user , update user and access resource from the database were imported from pre created functions.
Following is the problem statement:
Role Based Access Control:
Implement a role-based authentication system. System should be able to assign a role to user and remove a user from the role. Entities are USER, ACTION TYPE, RESOURCE, ROLE
ACTION TYPE defines the access level (Ex: READ, WRITE, DELETE) Resource Storage: Database (PostgreSQL or Mongo) Access to resources for users are controlled strictly by the role. One user can have multiple roles. Given a user, action type and resource system should be able to tell whether user has access or not. Note: • Create class-based structure using OOPS concept. • Follow file structure to make code maintainable and production ready. • Go through git commands and push the code in git with README.md. • This is a command line application. • You do not need to create functionality to add/delete/update users or any other entities. You can get it pre-created.