myDotFiles - on an Antergos Arch Linux (BTW) Base Install
I first did it on Antergos Base but due to many connectivity issues, software that I did not need and bugs (e.g. public wifi connectivity issues) I decide to distrohopp again, but the dotfile stay the same.
xorg_xbacklight : for screen brightness
pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth : for sound
xorg_server xorg-xinit : display server - you need to create a file .xinitrc in your home directory and write exec i3
at the beginning
lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-webkit-theme-archlinux : display manager (1)
i3lock i3-gaps : for i3 wm and the lcokscreen
NetworkManager and network-manager-applet : for connecting to the wifi (2)
feh : for wallpaper configuration
i3blocks : i3blocks to display system information on the i3bar ( you could also use i3status, which is configured by default)
alsa-utils sysstat acpi : in order: for volume display, cpu/load display and battery charge
lxappearance : for configuring gtk fonts
bash_completion : for enhanced automatic bash completion
ttf-terminus : a great font for the terminal
More to be added as soon as I remember them!
(1) Use sudo sustemctl enable lightdm.service
to enable lightdm and log in directly into i3.
To change the icon and background refer to Arch Wiki
(2) Important! use sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager
to enable wifi services. (case-sensitive)
(3) For i3blocks you might need to grant it root privileges if you wis to display internet speed, ram usage, volume, cpu usage and etc. add USERNAME HOSTNAME= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/i3blocks
and reinstall i3blocks.
Please note that there is a lot that can be done with i3blocks and you should read the config file normally at /etc/i3blocks.conf
or look up what you can do with it (example Youtube )
zsh : z shell
zsh-completions : package similar to bash-completion
unicode-rxvt : terminal emulater (look at .Xresources for the config file - I am using a rather lightweight config with not plugins)
playerctl : for keyboards that have pause, next and prevois sound control keys
arandr : GUI for configuring multi-display set ups
ttf-anonymous-pro (font) : this font can be found here (used with my setup) Here - it is in Arch Linux's repos so easy to install and renders well!
python-pip : python package manager for python 3
Install jupyter themes to change jupyter notebook looks : # pip install jupyterthemes
A Through Youtube Toturial on how to set up i3
- Configure urxvt
- Configure i3blocks
- Configure zsh and oh-my-zsh