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Material Design Libraries

A collection of related Material Design based .NET libraries.

Featuring image quantization, color schemes and theming, web theming, icons & symbols, and some surprisingly helpful generic web components, this group of Material Design Libraries has it all**.

** Except for everything else it doesn't have, which is most things. Other than that (which isn't much), it's got it all.

Before you go looking through all the libraries, they can all be found on NuGet as well, however they are all prefixed with Nyan., so Nyan.MaterialDesign.Color for example.


MaterialDesign.Color is the base library for almost every library (except for MaterialDesign.Icons and MaterialDesign.Web), providing colorspaces, tonal palettes, color schemes, and other assorted color-related methods and classes.

Assuming a root namespace of MaterialDesign.Color, color blending methods can be found at Blend.Blend, all colorspaces can be found under Colorspaces (the most used being HCTA and RGBA, and then the generic Color), color contrast related methods can be found at Contrast.Contrast, disliked color detection and fixing can be found at Disliked.Disliked, color palettes via image quantization at Image.FromImage, color palettes under Palettes, image quantization classes and structs are under Quantize (although these shouldn't be used directly), many different color schemes under Schemes, color scoring (for image quantization) at Score.Score, and some color temperature related stuff under Temperature.

That aside, this library is the main point of the collection, and is required for just about every project in this collection unless you're only using the MaterialDesign.Icons and/or MaterialDesign.Web libraries.

Random note, this was what I was originally working on before I scrapped the entire project (apart from some implementations) and re-started it on 02/12/23 (dd/mm/yy), which is when the git start date of this project. Which, yes, means I did this project in about a month if you take out days for Christmas and New Years.


MaterialDesign.Color.Extensions is a much smaller library, just providing some minimal extensions to its parent library MaterialDesign.Color. With some small additions, like Color Deficiency color filters, some CorePalette extensions, other colorspace extensions, it's useful when you need it, and isn't too heavy.


MaterialDesign.Icons was actually another project I had sitting around that I made before I started this whole thing, but when I got to making all the web stuff, I added it in because it makes sense to have I guess? It did take a bit of rewriting to bring it to a better standard and to interpolate what would be MaterialDesign.Web (and what was a different part of MaterialDesign.Theming.Web).

It adds support for Material Icons (well, more formally Material Symbols but go figure) through the MdIcon component under MaterialDesign.Icons.Components. It also allows for the use of cascading config with the use of the MdIconConfig component under the same namespace. Extensions to IServiceCollection add easy access to set up.


MaterialDesign.Theming adds support for Material Themes, adding DI (dependency injection) support, ThemeSources and Theme Building, extensions for IServiceCollection and IServiceProvider for easy set up, ThemeContainer can be accessed from injection and contains a Theme and the ability to use events for theme updates.


MaterialDesign.Theming.Web supplies some components and CSS support for using in web projects. It can be setup with Setup.ThemeSetup.Setup(), and then you can follow the standard material web classes like primary, on-secondary, and other classes. There will be a list of every class at the bottom of this readme.


This library only has one component, and it's the MdMudThemeProvider which is to be used instead of the standard MudThemeProvider to allow the use of Material Design themes in MudBlazor components. It should just be put in your default layout somewhere, just not in the head or DynamicHeadContent.


Supplying some generic but highly useful components like DynamicComponentContent & DynamicComponentOutlet, and DynamicHeadContent & DynamicHeadOutlet, which add the ability to essentially magic some razor stuff from one place to another. If you're using this in WASM, the Material Library you're using it with should just set it up for you, but if you're on server then just put the DynamicHeadOutlet in your App.razor with @rendermode="InteractiveServer" and it should work right.


MaterialDesign.Color.Schemes.Custom adds support for creating custom color schemes and themes with customized rules. These custom schemes aren't just custom colors, but custom rules, like the gap between core and on-core colors, the gap between light and dark mode schemes, custom handling of secondary, tertiary, and surface color generation, and more.

Blazor Setup Instructions

Since the web components and classes from this project are split into 5 Blazor-related projects (4 web, 1 injection), it can be quite the hassle to setup. This section of the README gives some instructions depending on what libraries you have installed. It does assume you install Nyan.MaterialDesign.Theming.Web (the NuGet package for .Theming.Web).


Starting from the default empty Blazor Web App template, add the following lines to your Main method (or top level statements):

// At the top of your file
using MaterialDesign.Theming;
using MaterialDesign.Theming.Injection;
using MaterialDesign.Theming.Web.Setup;
using MaterialDesign.Web.Services;
    .AddMaterialThemeService(/* Source */) // Source can be HCTA, Theme, IScheme, IThemeSource, Func<IServiceProvider, Theme>, 
                                           // Func<ThemeSourceBuilder, IThemeSource>, or Func<ThemeSourceBuilder, IServiceProvider, IThemeSource>
    .AddDynamicComponentStorage(); // not necessary, but if you use <DynamicComponentOutlet/> or its Content component it is.



If using Nyan.MaterialDesign.Icons, add the following lines:

// At the top of your file
using MaterialDesign.Icons;
// Add either of these two, depending on how you want your icons to behave.

If you want to customise the initial scheme to be explicitly dark or light, change your Main method to async Task (nothing required for top level statements), and add the following line somewhere after your builder.Build() call.

await app.Services.SetDefaultThemeMode(defaultIsDark: /* bool, true for dark, false for light */);

Be aware that if this is not set, light mode is the default.

If using Nyan.MaterialDesign.Theming.Web.MudBlazor, follow the MudBlazor Setup. No further Material Design methods need to be added to accommodate MudBlazor.





<DynamicHeadOutlet @rendermode="@* Some RenderMode, probably InteractiveServer *@"


This only applies when using Nyan.MaterialDesign.Theming.Web.MudBlazor. Add the following component to the top of the file:

@using MaterialDesign.Theming.Web.MudBlazor

And the following component first thing in the HTML



To see examples of use of all of these libraries, see the projects under the Displays folder

MaterialDesign.Theming.Web CSS Classes

.primary, .primary-text, .on-primary, .on-primary-text, .primary-container, .primary-container-text, .on-primary-container, .on-primary-container-text, .secondary, .secondary-text, .on-secondary, .on-secondary-text, .secondary-container, .secondary-container-text, .on-secondary-container, .on-secondary-container-text, .tertiary, .tertiary-text, .on-tertiary, .on-tertiary-text, .tertiary-container, .tertiary-container-text, .on-tertiary-container, .on-tertiary-container-text, .error, .error-text, .on-error, .on-error-text, .error-container, .error-container-text, .on-error-container, .on-error-container-text, .outline, .outline-text, .background, .background-text, .on-background, .on-background-text, .surface, .surface-text, .on-surface, .on-surface-text, .surface-variant, .surface-variant-text, .on-surface-variant, .on-surface-variant-text, .inverse-surface, .inverse-surface-text, .inverse-on-surface, .inverse-on-surface-text, .inverse-primary, .inverse-primary-text, .shadow, .shadow-text, .surface-tint, .surface-tint-text, .outline-variant, .outline-variant-text, .scrim, .scrim-text, .primary-fixed, .primary-fixed-text, .on-primary-fixed, .on-primary-fixed-text, .secondary-fixed, .secondary-fixed-text, .on-secondary-fixed, .on-secondary-fixed-text, .tertiary-fixed, .tertiary-fixed-text, .on-tertiary-fixed, .on-tertiary-fixed-text, .primary-fixed-dim, .primary-fixed-dim-text, .secondary-fixed-dim, .secondary-fixed-dim-text, .tertiary-fixed-dim, .tertiary-fixed-dim-text, .surface-dim, .surface-dim-text, .surface-bright, .surface-bright-text, .surface-container-highest, .surface-container-highest-text, .surface-container-high, .surface-container-high-text, .surface-container, .surface-container-text, .surface-container-low, .surface-container-low-text, .surface-container-lowest, .surface-container-lowest-text


A collection of Material Design based projects








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