Releases: ARM-DOE/pyart
Py-ART Release 1.11.5 Modernism
This minor release contains bug fixes for cftime rel 1.15 and tuple checking in gridding.
Enhancements made
- ENH: Addition of TDWR support. #969 (@zssherman)
- ENH: Adding copy_field_dtype to grid mapper. #956 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed
- FIX: Fix for cftime 1.5 release. #994 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Removal of warning to fix unit tests. #979 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Fix for h5py > 3.0 decoding of str. #978 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- MNT: Update dep warning for June1st default switch to barnes2. #989 (@zssherman)
- MNT: Add all TDWR radar locations #973 (@zssherman)
- MAINT: Updated all cython files for python 3.9 #966 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs
- Add check if radars tuple is not empty #991 (@Quba1)
- CI: More python 3.9 fixes and attempt to build 3.9. #983 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@amarouane-ABDELHAK | @bmgxyz | @dopplershift | @kmuehlbauer | @Quba1 | @rcjackson | @scollis | @zssherman
Py-ART Release 1.11.3 Modernism
Release 1.11.3 is a minor release with bug fixes for the nexrad 0.19 reader, np.rec.buffer module path change.
Bugs fixed
- FIX: Fix addressed for #962 by mwilson14. #963 (@zssherman)
- FIX: A fix for the NoneType error with regards to nexrad 3 elevation. #959 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- MNT: Update to default config to fix units, and add field info for attenuation fields. #964 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release
Py-ART Release 1.11.2 Modernism
Py-ART Release 1.11.2 Modernism is a micro release with a few bug fixes and enhancements. Fixes mainly are the fix for the nearest neighbor code, boolean index error in kdp code, missing gatefilter in map_to_grid, and more.
Enhancements made
- ENH: Support for Product 176 (DPR) - Instantaneous Precipitation Rate #919 (@dcedgren)
- ENH: Updated nexrad for RDA build 19.0. #903 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed
- FIX: add_gate_area now returns only positive values #950 (@rtanamachi)
- FIX: Gate to grid map blotchy #947 (@rcjackson)
- FIX: Fix for missing gatefilter in map_to_grid. #946 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Fixes boolean indexing error. #944 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Issue #694 when working with ODIM with empty moment. #938 (@vlouf)
- FIX: Nearest neighbor code #934 (@rcjackson)
- FIX: Elevation Angle for some products #925 (@dcedgren)
- FIX: This converts the nexrad altitude from feet to meters. #924 (@zssherman)
- FIX: A fix for reversed ngates and nrays. #917 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- MNT: Attempt to fix appveyor path issue. #937 (@zssherman)
- MNT: Removing temp fix and using suggested cftime developer fix. #927 (@zssherman)
- MNT: New warnings on literals, and a fix for said warnings. #914 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs
- TST: Unit test of get_gate_area and some cleanup. #949 (@zssherman)
- add get_gate_area #948 (@rtanamachi)
- Fix in filter_psidp in case of scalar mask #929 (@wolfidan)
- ADD: Nexrad Level 3 Product Version Checking #926 (@dcedgren)
- ADD: Corner Reflector Raster Scan Plotting #920 (@AdamTheisen)
- ADD: Adding more example notebooks. #915 (@zssherman)
- ADD: Adding a basic ingest using Py-ART's testing object example notebook. #911 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@AdamTheisen | @dcedgren | @dopplershift | @gamaanderson | @grwise1 | @hhuangwx | @jjhelmus | @jsignell | @lauratomkins | @nguy | @rcjackson | @rtanamachi | @Rumpkie | @scollis | @tjlang | @vlouf | @wolfidan | @zssherman
Py-ART Release 1.11.1 Modernism
This release fixes the cftime break with isoformat. Also includes the matplotlib framework classifier. Spectra is also included, but a full release with notes will be in the future as this is a fix micro release.
Bugs fixed
- FIX: A fix for the update in one of the datetime modules that broke CI #913 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Fix for msg29 function extra parameter. #909 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Fix to optional doc and warning message for attenuation code. #907 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- MNT: Adding MPL framework classifier, addresses #910. #912 (@zssherman)
Documentation improvements
- DOC: Some documentation changes for new sphinx napoleon that was missed in previous pull request. #902 (@zssherman)
- DOC: Update to docs to use rtd theme and remove python 2 from docs. #893 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs
- ADD: Initial commit for radar spectra for KAZR. #892 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release
Py-ART Version 1.11.0 Modernism
Py-ART version 1.11.0 Modernism contains a variety of enhancements and bug fixes, but most importantly the removal of support of Python 2, see more here:
Thank you to all contributors and users!
Highlights of this release:
* Removal of support for Python 2
* Overhaul of Py-ART's website
* Speed up of hilderbrand code
* Fixes for ODIM H5 reader
* Make xarray option in
* Removal of fortran code
* Option to plot relative to slant range aircraft plot.
* And much more!
Contributor's to Py-ART 1.11.0 Modernism
* Abdelhak Marourane
* Adam Theisen
* Brandon Taylor
* Dan Stechman
* Jason Hemendinger
* Meteoswiss
* Robert Jackson
* Scott Collis
* Valentin Louf
* Zac Flamig
* Zach Sherman
Py-ART Release v1.10.4 Impressionism
Contains a fix for to_xarray, and the fix for geos update no xy attribute and removal of python 2 code. WIll do a major release with new documentation.
Py-ART Release v1.10.3 Impressionism
Minor release of Py-ART, updates include:
Fix in grid to_xarray code
Fix in cfradial code that was breaking with newer version of netCDF4
Py-ART Version 1.10.2 Impressionism
Fixes warnings for colormaps and other minor bug fixes.
Py-ART Version 1.10.1 Impressionism
Version 1.10.1 is the result of a year of work by 16 contributors.
Thanks to all contributors, especially those who have made their first contribution to Py-ART.
Highlights of this release:
* Updated graphing modules to use cartopy instead of basemap (basemap can still be used in radarmapdisplaybasemap and gridmapdisplaybasemap modules).
* Fix for nexrad NL2
* Added cartopy examples.
* New Velocity Azimuth Display and Quasi Vertical Profile modules
* Default colormap is now the HomeyerRainbow color vision deficiency friendly.
* Unit tests are now geared towards pytest
* Steiner classification in full Python
* Add VRADH and VRADV quantities to ODIM H5 decoder
* New Py-ART cheatsheet.
* New differential attenuation code
* And much much more.
Contributors to Py-ART 1.10.1 Impressionism:
Gama Anderson
Jason Hemedinger
Jordi Figueras
Jussi Tiira
Kai Muehlbauer
Nathan Goldbaum
Nick Guy
Robin Tanamachi
Rish Shadra
Robert Jackson
Scott Collis
Tarmo Tanilsoo
Timothy Lang
Valentin Louf
Zachary Sherman