Py-ART Release 1.11.5 Modernism
This minor release contains bug fixes for cftime rel 1.15 and tuple checking in gridding.
Enhancements made
- ENH: Addition of TDWR support. #969 (@zssherman)
- ENH: Adding copy_field_dtype to grid mapper. #956 (@zssherman)
Bugs fixed
- FIX: Fix for cftime 1.5 release. #994 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Removal of warning to fix unit tests. #979 (@zssherman)
- FIX: Fix for h5py > 3.0 decoding of str. #978 (@zssherman)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
- MNT: Update dep warning for June1st default switch to barnes2. #989 (@zssherman)
- MNT: Add all TDWR radar locations #973 (@zssherman)
- MAINT: Updated all cython files for python 3.9 #966 (@zssherman)
Other merged PRs
- Add check if radars tuple is not empty #991 (@Quba1)
- CI: More python 3.9 fixes and attempt to build 3.9. #983 (@zssherman)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@amarouane-ABDELHAK | @bmgxyz | @dopplershift | @kmuehlbauer | @Quba1 | @rcjackson | @scollis | @zssherman