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v6.0.0 Machine Learning

Alexander Puck Neuwirth edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 13 revisions

With version 6 tuo gets first machine learning support. Currently you can find a ml/ file in the tuo sourcecode to train your own xgboost-tree, check the Readme in the ml/ it is easy! (Feel free to change the code in there to use other models that are pmml compatible).

TUO expects the files data/{win,loss,stall,points}.pmml as inputs to use a trained model.

Options include:

  • ml TUO will use the machine learned prediction only if it seems reliable, otherwise a normal simulation is performed.
  • boost-ml Runs the asked operation once in the fast ml-mode then in normal mode without ml. This is equivalent to using a parameter file with -p ml.params, where ml.params is
deck @1@ no-ml
  • ml-precision F sets the approximate required precision of the machine learned result (default 0.01 meaning 1%).
  • only-ml TUO will only use the machine learned predictions, this is more of a debug/curiosity option since it is almost impossible to setup machine learning to find a global optimum, it is rather a fit, covering a broad range.
  • no-ml TUO won't use machine learned predictions

Enabling either of the ml options will disable saving to the database, since the results are not to be trusted 100%.


  • noop was introduced to do exactly nothing, so it is a space holder useless parameter
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