Building this code depends on shapelib, gdal and boost and uses a CMake build system.
On Ubuntu, these dependencies can be installed using:
sudo apt-get install -y libgdal-dev libshp-dev libboost-all-dev gdal-bin cmake g++
Then, compile using CMake. For example
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
make install -j
cd ..
or a convenient script has been set up to perform this with the command
Alternately, there is a docker file for use on other systems, this can be run with
docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t phes
docker run -v {path_to_storage_location} -it --rm phes
Place all input files in PHES_Searching/input/
Edit variables in PHES_Searching/variables
To run:
./bin/screening <long> <lat> 1
./bin/pairing <long> <lat> 1
./bin/pretty_set <long> <lat> 1
./bin/constructor <long> <lat> 1
To run large batch:
./bin/ <num_processes>