Table of Contents
NomNom is a web application built with React and Java (Spring) for our group capstone project of the 16-week CodeClan Professional Software Development course. This app's aim is to engage young children in the joys of cooking with the help of a parent or guardian, while teaching children the basics of food preparation and nutrition. It allows the user to log in to save their favourite recipes, review recipes, and rate them. It was created in February/March 2023 by Delphine Dallison, Brian Dickson, Anne McGinness, and Jill Atkins.
- It should allow users the ability view all recipes, with functionality to sort and search for specific recipes
- It should allow users to save their favourite recipes
- It should allow users to be edit and make private comments on a recipe
- It should allow users to delete a saved recipe
- Log in authentication
- Ability to rate and review recipes
- Create a shopping list based on ingredients required for a recipe
- Admin dashboard
- React
- TailwindCSS
- Java 8.0
- Spring
To run this app, you need to set up the client and server sides of the app:
Install the dependencies in the 'client' directory:
npm install
Then run the client web application in development:
npm run dev
Note: To stop the server, enter ctrl + C in your Terminal
- TODO: Add server setup
Project Link: