Table of Contents
Unread is a book tracking app created for the CodeClan Javascript group project in week 9 of the professional software development course. It allows multiple users to track the books they read, using the OpenLibrary API. It was created in January 2023 by Andromeda, Anne, Delphine and Kelsie.
A user should be able to:
- Search books from an API, find a specific one and add it to the database
- View, edit and delete it.
- Mark the book as read, or still to read.
- Allow for multiple users
- Suggest a book - randomly generated from the app
- Using a graph to see your progress over the year. A visual of your books per year.
- Share a book externally - send a book to another user in the app
- Share a book externally - send a book by email
We designed the low fidelity and high fidelity wireframes in Figma during the planning process.
- React
- React Router
- Styled Components
- Kelsie Murphy - GitHub
- Andromeda Akoulli - GitHub
- Anne McGinness - GitHub
- Delphine Dallison - GitHub
Project Link: