This project contains an open-source DATC-compliant Diplomacy game engine, a client-server architecture for network play, a web interface to play against bots and to visualize games, and a DAIDE-compatible adapter to connect DAIDE bots to the server.
The complete documentation is available at
The latest version of the package can be installed with:
pip install diplomacy
The package is compatible with Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.
The following script plays a game locally by submitting random valid orders until the game is completed.
import random
from diplomacy import Game
from diplomacy.utils.export import to_saved_game_format
# Creating a game
# Alternatively, a map_name can be specified as an argument. e.g. Game(map_name='pure')
game = Game()
while not game.is_game_done:
# Getting the list of possible orders for all locations
possible_orders = game.get_all_possible_orders()
# For each power, randomly sampling a valid order
for power_name, power in game.powers.items():
power_orders = [random.choice(possible_orders[loc]) for loc in game.get_orderable_locations(power_name)
if possible_orders[loc]]
game.set_orders(power_name, power_orders)
# Messages can be sent locally with game.add_message
# e.g. game.add_message(Message(sender='FRANCE',
# recipient='ENGLAND',
# message='This is a message',
# phase=self.get_current_phase(),
# time_sent=int(time.time())))
# Processing the game to move to the next phase
# Exporting the game to disk to visualize (game is appended to file)
# Alternatively, we can do >> file.write(json.dumps(to_saved_game_format(game)))
to_saved_game_format(game, output_path='game.json')
It is also possible to install a web interface in React to play against bots and/or other humans and to visualize games.
The web interface can be installed with:
# Install NVM
curl -o- | bash
# Clone repo
git clone
# Install package locally
# You may want to install it in a conda or virtualenv environment
cd diplomacy/
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
# Build node modules
cd diplomacy/web
npm install .
npm install . --only=dev
# In a terminal window or tab - Launch React server
npm start
# In another terminal window or tab - Launch diplomacy server
python -m
The web interface will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
To login, users can use admin/password or username/password. Additional users can be created by logging in with a username that does not exist in the database.
It is possible to visualize a game by using the "Load a game from disk" menu on the top-right corner of the web interface.
It is possible to join a game remotely over a network using websockets. The script below plays a game over a network.
Note. The server must be started with python -m
for the script to work.
From the root directory of this repository, execute:
could be something like admin_1643763675779
which you will find in the created game (7 human players)
This project is licensed under the APGLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details