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A fast and safe LiDAR-based obstacle detection algorithm for agricultural robots


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Safe LiDAR Obstacle Detection

This obstacle detection system has been realized for the 2024 FIRA Hackathon and tested in the competition's simulated environment. To test the package in the same environment, download and build the fira_hackathon_workspace and add the 3D LiDAR as specified below.

Add 3D LiDAR

1. Disable 2D LiDAR lms151

In fira_hackathon_workspace/src/romea_ros2/demos/fira_hackathon_demo/cfg_chal2/robots/robot/devices.yaml

Change available_mode to none:

	type: lidar
	available_mode: all -> none

2. Enable 3D LiDAR mrs1xxx on the robot

In fira_hackathon_workspace/src/romea_ros2/demos/fira_hackathon_demo/cfg_chal2/robots/robot/devices.yaml


	type: lidar
	available_mode: all

3. Add 3D LiDAR configurations in the devices directory

In fira_hackathon_workspace/src/romea_ros2/demos/fira_hackathon_demo/cfg_chal2/robots/robot/devices

Add the file mrs1xxx.lidar.yaml with the following content:

name: "lidar"
  pkg: "sick_scan"
  ip: ""
  port: "2112"
  type: sick
  model: mrs1000
  rate: 20
  resolution: 0.25
  parent_link: "base_link"
  xyz: [2.02, 0.0, 0.45]
  rpy: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  scan: true
  cloud: false

4. Modify the sensor specifications if needed

In fira_hackathon_workspace/src/romea_ros2/interfaces/sensors/romea_lidar/romea_lidar_description/config

Modify the file sick_mrs1xxx_specifications.yaml:

type: 3D
minimal_azimut_angle: -125.0  # in deg
maximal_azimut_angle: 125.0  # in deg
azimut_angle_increment: [0.25, 0.125, 0.0625]  # in deg
azimut_angle_std: 0.0
samples: [1001, 2001, 4001]  # number of samples = (maximal_azimut_angle-minimal_azimut_angle)/azimut_angle_increment +1
minimal_elevation_angle: -4.0  # in deg
maximal_elevation_angle: 8.09  # in deg
elevation_angle_increment: 0.39  # in deg
elevation_angle_std: 0.0
lasers: 32  # number of laser = (maximal_elevation_angle-minimal_elevation_angle)/elevation_angle_increment) +1
minimal_range: 0.5  # in meter
maximal_range: 7.0  # in meter
range_std: 0.0
rate: 20

5. 3D LiDAR topic


For better visualization in Rviz, change the style mode to "points".

ROS package build

1. Install the dependency packages via the Dockerfile

(New packages are preceded by an arrow "-->")

RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/lib/apt/lists \
    apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
        # you can add some ubuntu packages here \
        python3-pip \
        nlohmann-json3-dev \
        libgsl-dev \
        --> ros-humble-pcl-conversions \
        --> ros-humble-pcl-ros \
        --> ros-humble-rqt-tf-tree && \

Then go in the fira_hackathon_workspace directory and recompile with the command:

docker compose up compile --build

2. Connect to the Docker container with a new terminal and source the ROS workspaces

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source /home/riccardo/fira_custom_workspace/install/local_setup.bash 

3. Build the ch2_msg_srv package with Colcon

Go in the fira_custom_workspace directory and use the command:

colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select ch2_msg_srv

4. Build the challenge2 package with Colcon

Go in the fira_custom_workspace directory and use the command:

colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select challenge2

Open another terminal in the same docker container

docker exec -it --user 1000 CONTAINER_NAME bash and source ROS2 if needed: source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash

Or alternatively: docker compose run --rm --no-deps demo bash

Launch the filtering node

ros2 launch challenge2

Launch the clustering node

ros2 launch challenge2

Launch the polygon coordinates visualization node

ros2 launch challenge2

Call the dump centroids service

Run the command:

ros2 service call /dump_centroids ch2_msg_srv/srv/DumpCentroids "{centroid: true}"

Useful commands

  • To inspect the TF tree
ros2 run rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree 
  • To print a specific TF
ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo robot_base_footprint robot_base_link

GT obstacle positions

They can be found in the file:


Command to register the bag for the evaluation

Connect to the docker container and run the command:

ros2 bag record /robot/localisation/filtered_odom /evaluation/obstacle_detection -o evaluation_chal2_bag


A fast and safe LiDAR-based obstacle detection algorithm for agricultural robots







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