This Gatling Testbed is a performance testing application that periodically runs a battery of tests simulating the use of a test system. The results are indexed into Elasticsearch for later analysis and presentation.
The Testbed samples the diverse files in the CI-BER collections to gather test data that reflects real world case studies. Each simulation targets a particular kind of user of the service. Simulations consist of many tests that are run in parallel to simulate web-scale server load.
The testbed was designed for testing Brown Dog services and for testing Fedora on distributed systems (Trellis and DRAS-TIC Fedora).
- Simulations defined in framework
- Results in Elasticsearch indices via logstash:
- Gatling RUNS, USERS, GROUPS, REQUESTS are all indexed.
- Cron wakes up each hour to setup/run next test battery. (Subject to change)
- On-demand conversion to a web format
- Walk hierarchy to random file
- Obtain list of conversions
- Compare with browser acceptable formats
- Verify migration path exists and works to support the Archivematica preservation policy
- Data set will reflect the most frequently occurring formats in CI-BER collection
- Note: A better data set would contain most frequently occuring subformats as identified by a characterization tool.
Install Docker (see:
If you are running docker on a Linux machine you can configure the following optional post install steps:
- Manage Docker as a non-root user
- Configure Docker to start on boot
See: for more information on these setups.
Create a separate docker network for the containers:
docker network create performance-net
docker pull elasticsearch:6.8.2
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -it -h elasticsearch -e "discovery.type=single-node" -v es-data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data --name elasticsearch --rm --net performance-net elasticsearch:6.8.2
curl http://localhost:9200/
Create an Index (This will be created later when the tests are run so this step can be skipped)
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/drastic-solid-server-results
Optional Step
docker run -d -p 5601:5601 -h kibana --name kibana --rm --net performance-net kibana:6.7.1
docker build --tag=drastic/sample-data sampleData/
docker run -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL="http://elasticsearch:9200" -d -v nfs-ciber:/export/ciber --rm --net performance-net drastic/sample-data:latest
Run the following commands:
docker pull trellisldp/trellis-cassandra-init:0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
docker run --name cassandra -p 9042:9042 --network performance-net --rm -d trellisldp/trellis-cassandra-init:0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
docker exec -i cassandra cqlsh -f /load.cql
Note: you need to wait for cassandra to full start before you run the script or else you will get errors.
docker run -it --network performance-net --rm cassandra cqlsh cassandra
cqlsh> USE trellis;
cqlsh> DESCRIBE tables;
Start the trellis container:
docker run -e CASSANDRA_CONTACT_ADDRESS="cassandra" -e CASSANDRA_CONTACT_PORT="9042" --name trellis -p 6060:8080 --net performance-net --rm trellisldp/trellis-cassandra:0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
docker build --build-arg configFile=metricbeat-env.yml --tag=drastic/metricbeat metricbeat/
docker run -d --name metricbeat -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL="http://elasticsearch:9200" --rm --net performance-net --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock drastic/metricbeat
This builds the project and create a docker image containing the Gatling test suites:
The Test Bed has a dependency on a small library that is used for searching for sample test data from Elasticsearch.
clone [email protected]:UMD-DRASTIC/ciber-sampling.git
cd ciber-sampling
mvn clean install
Then you can build the Test bed.
mvn clean install
Start the testbed container
./ -s "http://trellis:8080/
Install and run Grafana:
docker build --tag=drastic/grafana grafana/
docker run -d --name grafana -p 3000:3000 -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL="http://elasticsearch:9200" --rm --net performance-net drastic/grafana