Java wrapper for Instagram's API v1.1
Cahjes by @alex-soft-r Change org.apache to okhttp
Firstly, build the authorization URL
InstagramAuthentication auth = new InstagramAuthentication();
String authUrl = auth.setRedirectUri("your_redirect_url")
After the user has authorized the app, get the access token by passing the code given in the callback URL.
AccessToken token ="code");
Create the session using the access token and you're all set
InstagramSession session = new InstagramSession(token);
User rihanna = session.searchUsersByName("badgalriri").get(0);
Here are some common endpoint calls. Please refer to the javadoc at /doc/com/sola/instagram/InstgramSession.html
for the full documentation of the endpoints.
//Endpoint: GET /users/3
User user = session.getUserById(3);
//Endpoint: GET /users/self/feed
PaginatedCollection<Media> feed = session.getFeed();
for(Media media: feed) {
//do stuff
//Endpoint: GET /users/3/media/recent
int userId = 3;
PaginatedCollection<Media> recentMedia = session.getRecentPublishedMedia(userId);
for(Media media: recentMedia) {
//do stuff
//Endpoint: GET /media/5233810105500317233
Media media = session.getMedia("523381010550031723");
//check for video
if (media instanceof VideoMedia) {
VideoMedia video = (VideoMedia)media;
//Endpoint: GET /users/search?q=jack
List<User> searchResults = session.searchUsersByName("jack");
int userId = 3;
// GET /users/3/follows
PaginatedCollection<User> follows = session.getFollows(userId);
// GET /users/3/followed-by
PaginatedCollection<User> followers = session.getFollowers(userId);
int targetUserId = 3;
// POST /users/3/relationship
session.modifyRelationship(targetUserId, Relationship.Action.FOLLOW)
int targetUserId = 3;
// POST /users/3/relationship
session.modifyRelationship(targetUserId, Relationship.Action.UNFOLLOW)
//routes api requests through a proxy
session.setHttpProxy("", 8080);
//remove the proxy
Copyright (c) 2013 Sola Ogunsakin Licensed under the MIT license.
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