This repository contains assignments for the course COL333: Artificial Intelligence at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Professor: Mausam
Semester: Diwali 23.
Collaborator: Kushagra Gupta
In this assignment, the goal was to find an optimal allocation of sports zones to locations, minimizing the time spent walking between them. We defined a set
The problem was formulated as a search problem, and local search techniques were employed to find the optimal solution. We implemented Greedy Hill Climbing with Random Restarts for small inputs and Best-first Search for larger inputs. State transitions involved swapping zone locations or using an unused location for a zone. To handle the large number of potential neighbors (
Collaborator: Ankit Mondal
This assignment involved implementing an engine for playing rollerball chess. The approach included using mini-max search with alpha-beta pruning and move reordering. Various heuristics were added for material values, pawn promotions, checks, and rooks in the outer circle.
Collaborator: Manas Singla
The minisat
solver was employed for its resolution. For every vertex
Clique Consistency : Two vertices cannot be the in the same clique if they don't have an edge in the original graph. So, for all
$r\neq s$ :$$\neg e_{i,j} \implies (\neg x_{i,r}) \vee (\neg x_{j,s})$$ -
Cardinality Constraint : Sum of the booleans must be
$k$ . For this we use counter variable encoding.
Collaborator: Piyush Chauhan
This assignment focused on implementing the EM algorithm to compute the Conditional Probability Table (CPT) tables of a Bayesian Network. The project earned extra credit, and the detailed report can be found here.
Collaborator: Ankit Mondal
This advanced version of the rollerball assignment extended the game to three different boards. Piece-wise heuristics and singular extensions were added to enhance the previous code.