A simple repo sharing a list of environmental data (e.g., climate and soils) acquisition tools
- {ag5tools} R toolbox to download and extract data from the "Agrometeorological indicators from 1979 to present derived from reanalysis" (AgERA5) dataset [daily]; see also agera5tools for Python
- {climenv} Download, extract and visualise climatic and elevation data (e.g., CHELSA) [monthly and daily]
- {ecmwfr} Interface to the public ECMWF API Web Services via Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) [monthly and daily]
- {geodata} Download geographic data, including:
- CMIP6 Data [monthly]
- WorldClim
- Historical [monthly]
- Future [monthly]
- {GSODR} - API Client for Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) Weather Data Client in R [daily data]
- {nasapower} - API Client for NASA POWER Global Meteorology, Surface Solar Energy and Climatology in R [annual, monthly and daily data]
- {weatherOz} - An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources [annual, monthly, daily, sub-daily (DPIRD only), daily (SILO) data, BOM Précis Forecasts, Ag Bulletins, etc.]
- {weathervane} - Functions to Download Australian Weather Data [daily data]
- {SLGACloud} - Access to TERN Landscapes Cloud Optimised GeoTiffs
- {read.abares} - Simple downloading and importing of ABARES Data
- Specifically: Soil Thickness Data
- {cropgrowdays} Crop Growing Degree Days and Agrometeorological Calculations (Uses SILO Weather Data)
- {fifo} - ‘Fly in fly out’ to Mine Your Valuable Data and Extract You Need From Your Australian Georeferenced Datasets using GPS points for agricultural research (includes GRDC Agroecozones, Major Soil Orders and SILO Weather Data)
- {dataharvester} - Preprocess, aggregate, visualise and download geospatial data from a range of Australian (and international) data sources
- cdsapi - Python API to access the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS)2 [monthly and daily data data]
- latlon_utils - Retrieve WorldClim climate and other information for lat-lon grid cells [monthly and daily data]
- pynasapower - Download meteorological data from NASA POWER using a simple Python API client (https://power.larc.nasa.gov/) [annual, monthly and daily data]
- agera5tools - Tools for mirroring, manipulating (exporting, extracting) and serving AgERA5 data [daily data]; see also {ag5tools} for R
- geodata-harvester - Comprehensive tool developed by AgReFed for automatic downloading from a wide range of geospatial/environment datasets (including SLGA, SILO, National DEM, DEA Earth Observations, Radiometric data and Google Earth Engine)
- CDSAPI.jl - Julia API to the Climate Data Store (a.k.a. CDS) [monthly and daily data]
- RasterDataSources.jl - Easily download and use raster data sets in Julia (e.g., WorldClim, CHELSA)
- WorldClim [monthly data]
- CHELSA (Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas) [monthly and daily data]
- TERN AET CMRSET - TERN’s AET data provides Australia-wide coverage at a 30m resolution every month (continuous with no gaps due to clouds) using the CSIRO MODIS Reflectance-based Scaling EvapoTranspiration (CMRSET) algorithm
- Google Earth Engine TERN AET CMRSET - Actual Evapotranspiration for Australia (CMRSET Landsat V2.2) from TERN also downloadable from GEE