Communication bus network. Using the NNG bus protocol serialized using bitsery. For communication with distributed dictionary networks
- Note this library is a C++17 implementation
- CommBus is an entry based self monitoring network solution which can be spread across multiple nodes.
- Each entry can be dynamically set between the following types
(char, int, float, bool, string, char*, int vector, double vector, bool vector)
- Multiple entries can exist under a table with a given name specified by the user
- Multiple tables can exist under a network model. With their own names given by the user.
#include <vector>
#include "CommBus.h"
using namespace CommBus;
int main() {
Network myNetwork(Network::Type::SERVER); // default address is `tcp://`
auto student_table = myNetwork.getModel()->getTable("Student"); // creates table named Student, if one does not already exists
student_table->getEntry("Name")->set("CJ"); // creates entry called Name if it doesn't already exist and sets it to a const char* with the value CJ
student_table->getEntry("Age")->set(20); // create entry named Age and set it to an integer holding 20
student_table->getEntry("Height")->set(5.3); // create height and set to a double
std::string name = student_table->getEntry("Name")->get(""); // get name, and provide the default value if not found (also used to determine datatype)
int age = student_table->getEntry("Age")->(0); // get age
double height = student_table->getEntry("Height")->(0.0); // get height. Note that it needs 0.0 not just for default but also to determine double value
* We can also create multiple tables within the model, and store more than just primitives
auto teacher_table = myNetwork.getModel()->getTable("Teacher"); // create new table
teacher_table->getEntry("Student Grades")->set(std::vector<double>{50.3, 84.8, 17.002}); // set vector
std::vector<double> grades = teacher_table->getEntry("Student Grades")->get(std::vector<double>{});
return 0;
- Inside a network, at least one server must exist. And all nodes must point to that servers address
#include <vector>
#include "CommBus.h"
using namespace CommBus;
int main() {
Network myServer(Network::Type::SERVER); // default address is `tcp://`
myServer.start(); // opens the socket and starts listening for nodes
myServer.getModel()->getTable("Weather")->getEntry("Temp")->set(27.5); // set data in the table
* Update the sender,
* searches for any entries that have been changed
* And sends them over the network
myServer.senderUpdate(); // note that by default senderUpdate is in blocking mode. set to non blocking using `myServer.senderUpdate(true)`
return 0;
#include <vector>
#include "CommBus.h"
using namespace CommBus;
int main() {
Network myNode(Network::Type::NODE, COMMBUS_GET_EXTERNAL_IP("")); // you can also directly set the address to `tcp://`
myNode.start(); // opens the socket
* Update the receiver
* Will grab any incoming messages, and create/modify entries based on received data
* By default it is set to blocking mode. And will halt program until data is received
myNode.receiverUpdate(); // Set to non blocking via `myNode.receiverUpdate(true);`
double temp = myNode.getModel()->getTable("Weather")->getEntry("Temp")->get(0.0); // get data in the table
std::cout << "Temp from server: " << temp << std::endl;
return 0;
- Output:
Temp from server: 27.5
- Inside
Grab all the dependencies in the project and yours (modify as your project needs)
rootDir.eachDirRecurse { dir ->
if (new File(dir, 'build.gradle').exists()) {
project(":${}").projectDir = dir
- Implement the project in your
dependencies {
implementation project(':CommBus')
- The network is simple and has a very fast speed using basic types. around 0.5-20ms
- The network allows for both sending and receiving for nodes and servers. And is designed for large networks where each device needs to both send and receive data.
- It's scalable and allows for dynamic change in data for an entry as everything is stored in variants and unions, this means an entry can change from being a std::string to double with little effort
- However, only
type of data is allowed at a time per entry. When the datatype changes, it overwrites the previous memory address. See Union-Type