Try the app hosted on Netlify
This is my version of a front-end for Northcoders News. It is powered by my back-end hosted on Heroku
Northcoders News is a social news website. Designed to work in a similar way to Reddit.
Northcoders News has articles which are created by users and divided into topics. Each article has a vote count and can be up or down voted by a user. Users can also add comments about an article. Comments can also be up or down voted. A user can also remove any comments or articles which they have added.
- Axios 0.18
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- Create React App
- Cypress 3
- Node 12
- React 16.8.6
- Reach Router 1.2.1
- Cors ^2.8.5
- My BEND-NC-News
Clone down this repo
git clone
Open project folder
cd nc-news
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npm start