Internet Imgur spider using Outguess to detect steganography in the wild.
Please report any interesting findings to author.
========================================== Current assumptions (automate/include later):
-Assumes stegdetect has been installed. (
-Assumes php has been installed.
-Assumes file structure in same folder exists ./data/hits
-Images that match will be stored in ./data/hits with their corresponding imgur url.
-To run, put index.php in /var/www/html , start apache with php, then run php run.php.
-No output will be displayed while site is downloaded and images are extracted.
-Error messages from stegdetect within the system are fine - it just means unscannable images were selected (bmp/png etc.)
-Sofware is only collecting high confidence (***) hits. This can be changed by changing what string the sofware searches for in stegdetect output.
-Can scan about 150,000 images/day. Confident this can be increased.
-1.2% high confidence hits. Virtually always from Outguess or JPhide.
-Suspect most (all?) false positives.
-Future work: attept to bruteforce passwords on high confidence hits.
-Future work: add additional detection systems.
-Future work: Onion crawling over Tor.
Please report any interesting results.
The following imgur links have been detected to be high confidence positives by the stegdetect system.
I am not responsible for the content of these images. They have been automatically generated. Download and view at your own risk.
List can now be found in imgur_results.txt