Simple DIY CoreXY motion system for TwoTrees Sapphire Plus SP-5
This system allows use of the core frame and electronics for the TwoTrees Sapphire Plus SP-5 3D printer while upgrading to a more robust motion system. No hard modifications are required such as cutting, drilling, or otherwise altering the 3D printer. It can easily be swapped back to original form.
This is a mix of Rolohaun SimpleCore and ZeroG MercuryOne.1
XY Joints:
2- Gates 6mm smooth pulley
2- Gates 6mm toothed pulley
4- 5x30 pin
4- 1mm shim(use parts of original printer or purchase)
6- m3x30 hex head screw
6- m3 heatset insert
*Print 4 of XY bushing
*Print 1 each of LH top, LH bottom, RH top, RH bottom
Idler Mounts:
2- 5x30 pin
4- Gates 6mm toothed pulley
4- 1mm shim (use parts of original printer or purchase)
4- m3x30 hex head screw
4- m3 t-nut
*Print 2 of Idler Mount
Motor Mount:
8- m3x10
8- m3 washer
4- m5x12 hex head screw
2- m5x8 hex head screw
2- m3x20-30 hex head screw(belt tensioner bolt can be longer or shorter)
*Print 1 each Motor Mount LH and RH