0 - Setup
- Self paced
- Ideally should be completed before Lesson 1
1 - Firestore and Hosting
- Instructor: Shoham
- Live on Twitch
2 - Authentication and Cloud Functions
- Instructor: Lowen
- Live on Twitch
- Twitch - Live Stream Link
- Pigeonhole - Live QA Link
- Session 0: Setting up Firebase
- Session 1: Firestore and Hosting
- Session 2: Authentication and Cloud Functions
Should you have any questions during or after the session please feel free to reach out to anyone below on Telegram:
- Huiqing (@poopypaws)
- Shoham (@shohamc1)
- Mark Huang (@MarkHershey)
Will a recording of this be accessible after this session?
- Yep, it will be on our Twitch channel for 14 days after the session. We are also working on uploading these on a Youtube channel so more people can benefit :)
How do get the files on my computer to work with?
- The ZIP way:
- At the top-right corner of this Git Repository, click on the "Code" button.
- Click "Download ZIP" and you should be able to unzip and use the files!
- Using
- refer to our tutorial covered in an earlier workshop here. Rungit clone https://github.com/3DCdsc/Intro_to_Firebase_Workshop.git
- The ZIP way: