is an online RPG game with playing cards. The game story is about the village of Kobuleti
. It draws inspiration from Ascension
by game designer Antony Ngo which uses playing cards.
The intent of this project was to initiate my experience in Rust and asynchronous web app development by creating this very personal game about a small Georgian village, where I was lucky to spend a summer. My girlfriend, Xenia, who worked on this game as an illustrator, and I wanted to share with the world a piece of this mysterious place named სოფელი ('sopeli', meaning "the village" in Georgian) Kobuleti
- Terminal based (with ratatui)
- State machine actors built with pure tokio
- Login (simple, only by username)
- Reconnection
- Chat (saving between reconnections, while a game session is running)
- 2 players multiplayer together against monsters
- Turn-based
- Install Rust with rustup.rs
- Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:autogalkin/kobuleti.git
cd kobuleti
- for server:
cargo run -- server
- for client:
cargo run -- client --name _{your username}_
- for help:
cargo run -- -h
,cargo run -- server -h
,cargo run -- client -h
The client-server communication is simple. It operates over TCP with serde::json and tokio_util::codec::LinesCodec, which divides a TCP stream by '\0'. A client app awaits for input or a TCP event before rendering a new state.
The server for this game is divided into different parts, each implemented as a tokio task:
handles "accept connection" code. Task spawns for each connection.States
manages the common server functionality and includes two tokio tasks: the Intro server and the game server.
The server does not use any Mutex or Rwlocks. Instead, it relies on the Actor
pattern, as described in Alice Ryhl's article Actors with Tokio. Communication between peer actors and the server actor is accomplished using mpsc and oneshot channels
An actor is split into two parts: an Actor and an actor Handle. The Actor runs in own tokio task and listens on tokio::mpsc::channel receiver. Other parts of the server use Handle to send enum messages and receive return value through tokio::sync::oneshot::channel.
The Peer handle is also used for accepting TCP connection messages and directing them to the appropriate peer actor or the server actor. This approach helps prevent potential infinite awaiting leaks.
To simplify the definition of the actor API, I've created a macro with an incremental tt-muncher.
actor_api! { // peer::Intro
impl Handle<Msg<SharedCmd, IntroCmd>>{
pub async fn set_username(&self, username: Username);
pub async fn enter_game(&self, server: states::HomeHandle) -> Result<HomeHandle, RecvError>;
The macro automatically defines inner enum and methods:
enum IntroCmd {
impl Handle<Msg<SharedCmd, IntroCmd>> {
pub async fn set_username(&self, username: Username){
pub async fn enter_game(&self) -> Result<HomeHandle, RecvError>{
let (tx, rx) = tokio::oneshot::channel();
The game infrastructure is constructed using the State Machine pattern, which effectively segregates the logic for "Login," "Lobby," "Character Creation," and "Game" into distinct server states. It gives a clean API interface, undestandable code, safe and scalability. The transitions between states are described in article State Machine Pattern by Ana Hoverbear:
// a pseudo code for describe state machine transitions:
let intro = Context::<Intro>::default();
run(&mut intro).await;
let home = Context::<Home>::from(intro);
run(&mut home).await;
let roles = Context::<Roles>::from(home);
run(&mut roles).await;
let game = Context::<Game>::from(roles);
run(&mut game).await;
The server does not validate messages, it only parses enum types for each state. Now let's look into each states:
The Intro
is a login state. In this state, clients can log in using their username and proceed to the next server (either a new lobby or a reconnection to a game in "Roles" or "Game" states). On the client side, after a successful login, the "Intro" state initiates a TUI and displays a start screen. If the login attempt fails, the application is rejected with an error.
actor C as Client::Intro
box Peer
participant PC as Peer::Intro(Tcp &<br/>PeerActorHandle)
participant P as Peer::Intro (Actor)
box Server
participant I as Server::Intro
participant S as GameServer
C-)+PC: Login(Username)
PC->>+I: LoginPlayer
I-->I: IsPlayerLimit
I-->I: IsUsernameExists
opt If Some(server)
I->>+S: GetPeerIdByName
S-->>-I: Option
opt Roles or Game (Reconnection)
I->>+S: IsConnected
S-->>-I: bool<br/>(Login if player offline)
I-)P: SetUsername<br/>(If Logged)
I-->>-PC: Loggin Status
break if login fails
PC-->>C: AlreadyLogged,<br/> or PlayerLimit
PC--)-C: Logged
PC->>+I: GetChatLog
I->>+S: GetChatLog
alt If Some(server)
S-->>I: ChatLog
else None
S-->>-I: EmptyChat
I-->>-PC: ChatLog
PC-)C: ChatLog<br/>(ready to show)
C-->C: Run Tui
C -)+PC: EnterGame
# end Intro
PC->>-I: EnterGame
alt server None
I-)S: StartHome(Sender)
else server Some(Home)
I->>S: AddPeer(Sender)
else server Some(Roles|Game)
I->>+S: GetPeerHandle(Username)
S-->>-I: OldPeerHandle
participant PS as OldPeer::Offline<br/>(reconnection)
I->>+P: Reconnect(Roles|Game)(<br/>ServerHandle, OldPeerHandle)
P->>+PS: TakePeer
PS-->>-P: Self
# destroy Ps
P--)-I: NewPeerHandle
P-)C: Reconnect(StartData)
I-)S: Reconnect(NewPeerHandle)
S-->S: Peer Status Online
Note over C, S: Done Intro, Drop peer actor and handle, start new peer actor and handle.
I-->I: Start Intro loop Again
The "Home" state functions as a lobby server where players wait for other players and chat. Reconnection is not allowed in this state.
actor C as Client::Home
box Peer
participant PC as Peer::Home(Tcp &<br/>PeerActorHandle)
participant P as Peer::Home (Actor)
participant H as Server::Home
C -)PC: StartRoles
PC-)+H: StartRoles
H-->H: Server if full?
alt If Server is full, start Roles
# cancel H
H->H: Cancel
participant R as Server::Roles
H->>R: Start Roles::from(Home)
loop Each peer (Force start for all)
R->>+P: StartRoles(ServerHandle)
P->P: Cancel, Start Peer::Roles
Note right of P: Now Peer::Roles
P-->>-R: New PeerHandle
P-)C: StartRoles
C-->R: Run Roles
In the "Roles" state, players choose their RPG roles and start the game once all players are ready. This state allows reconnection if a player exits and reenters with the same username.
actor C as Client::Roles
box Peer
participant PC as Peer::Roles(Tcp &<br/> PeerActorHandle)
participant P as Peer::Roles (Actor)
participant R as Server::Roles
C -)+PC: SelectRole
PC -)+R: SelectRole
loop except sender,<br/> until Role==Role
R->>+P: GetRole
P->>-R: Role
alt if Role is available
R->>+P: SetRole
R-)PC: SendTcp(SelectedStatus)<br/>Busy, AlreadySelected
PC-)-C: SelectedStatus
loop Broadcast
R-)P: SendTcp(AvailableRoles)
P-)C: AvailableRoles
C-)+PC: StartGame
PC-)R: StartGame
R-->R: Are all have roles?
alt If all have roles, start Game
Note over PC, R: ... The same as in Home->Roles
R->R: Cancel
participant G as Server::Game
R->>G: Start Game::from(Roles)
loop Each peer (Force start for all)
G->>+P: StartGame(ServerHandle)
P->P: Cancel, Start Peer::Game
Note right of P: Now Peer::Game
P-->>-G: New PeerHandle
P-)+G: GetMonsters
C-->G: Ready Server::Game
loop respond for async 'GetMonsters'
G--)-P: MonstersForStart
P-)C: StartGame(Data)
C-->+C: End Roles.<br/> Stop socket reader
C-->-C: Start Game.<br/> Start socket reader
par to active player
G-)+P: SendTcp(Ready(DropAbility))
P-)-C: Ready(DropAbility)
and to other
G-)+P: SendTcp(Wait)
P-)-C: Wait
C-->G: Run Game
The "Game" state represents a game session with two players and allows reconnection. It manages player turns in a sequential manner.
actor C as Client::Game
box Peer
participant PC as Peer::Game(Tcp &<br/> PeerActorHandle)
participant P as Peer::Game (Actor)
participant G as Server::Game
C-)+PC: DropAbility(ability)
PC->>-P: DropAbility(ability)
break ActivePlayer != Self
PC-)C: TurnStatus::Err(Username)
P->>G: SwitchToNextPlayer
G-->G: set next player<br/> and Phase
par to active player
G-)+P: Ready(SelectAbility))
P-)-C: TurnStatus(Ready(SelectAbility))
and to other
G-)+P: Wait
P-)-C: TurnStatus(Wait)
PC-)+G: BroadcastGameState
loop expect sender
G->>-P: SyncWithClient
PC->>+P: SyncWithClient
P-)-C: UpdateGameData(Data)
C-)+PC: SelectAbility(ability)
PC->>-P: SelectAbility(ability)
P->>G: SwitchToNextPlayer
Note over C, G: ... The same switch to next phase and player
Note over C, G: ... TODO: Game over