This is a simple processing program that recieve configuration and models to create a simple 3D graphic output.
- Set up a basic enviroument for render progress.
- Recieve informations about render progress such as models, config and shader code.
- Print the render result in a single window.
- Config that specified the position of the rest data.
- Models in many forms, including a plain vertices array with primitive setted and a optional indices array, for render progress.
- Usage of models that specified the following information.
- Relative postion of certain model.
- The lighting property.
- Some complete sets of shader program code.
- A interface to control render pipeline, including.
- Uniforms.
- Transform Materixs.
- Customizable render loop.
- A Python resolver and proper environment to further extent customizable content, containing.
- Proper tool function to operate OpenGL math culcalate.
- Ability to insert code snippets into customizable content.