Gateway to Legend v1.0.3 releases with a few minor but important fixes.
In most cases, walking off into areas not created will either duplicate previous areas or give a glitchy map to play on. Map-packs made improperly will have this problem. Please block off any screen borders that lead into a map that hasn't been created.
Changes from v1.0.2:
- Fixed an issue with scripts on top of each other not triggering properly
- Fixed an issue in Main Adventure where the second-to-last Gateway wouldn't take the player to the right location
- Fixed an issue where the health upgrade menu text would be cut off before it's supposed to end
- (Not confirmed) Fixed an issue in Linux builds where the edges of the screen would flash during screen scrolling transitions if the window was larger than the map
There are two known bugs:
- Some Linux distros: White bars appear at random, usually when the screen or enemies (?) are moving. This seems to be a SDL bug, and something I don't believe I can work around.
- Some Linux distros: During screen scrolling transitions, keypresses are stored and the players moves according to those presses in the next map. This also appears to be an SDL bug, and not one that I could figure out how to easily work around.
Download if you are a Windows 7+ user.
Download if you are a Linux/GNU or Mac user, a power user, or just want to easily download the source.