Uses the API to query your validator's balance. Stores it in a sqlite db. If the current total balance is lower than the previously recorded balance, an alert is sent. At midnight, the script sends a summary of today's and this week's earnings and APR.
- Create a telegram bot:
- send "/start" to your bot and visit (replace XXX:YYYYY with your API Token). This will give you your chat_id.
- Adjust the config of the python script:
- List your validator indexes as a string - comma separated but without space inbetween!
- Change the MY_TEL_ID and TEL_TOKEN to your values
- Run the script as a cronjob every 15min (respects the rate limits of the API and the epoch length of 6.4min)
Inspired by Colin Daly
Queries the balances of your validators via beacon API and provides it to prometheus.
- Install the prometheus_client library
- Run the script as a systemd service or in screen/tmux
- Add the port as a job to your prometheus.yml
- Create a new panel in grafana and look for the "eth2_validator_balance" metric
OR use the uploaded dashboard with various metrics regarding the validator balance:
Oh and I'm not a trained programmer, so there might be some bugs & ugly code ;)