(to be migrated to Goerli Testnet)
- Node.js >= v14
- Truffle and Ganache
- download or clone the repository from ""
- Run
npm i
in project root to install smart contract dependencies - Run local testnet in port
with an Ethereum client, e.g. Ganache truffle migrate --reset
- Run tests in Truffle
truffle test
npm run start
- Open
There are 2 ways to interact with this DApp.
Run npm install
to install all the dependencies in the package.json file
Launch the user interface via port: 3000 by running the following command in the root directory npm run start
Access the user interface via http://localhost:3000
If you do not have Metamask browser extension, install Metamask in your browser. Connect your Metamask wallet and start interacting with the app.
Simple Staking
This DApp provides an ERC20 token (Mock Tether Token) deposit and withdrawal services to users. The user's deposit will earn rewards (and airdrop) at the will of the Bank owner. Please note that the issue token function can only be accessed through the terminal in a local environment, frontend functionality will be available in the future.
The DApp uses Openzeppelin ERC20 standard to build the Mock Tether Token and RWD Token.
The contract is deployed on the Ropsten testnet at
- Enter the website
- Login with Metamask
- Enter the amount to Stake
- Confirm the amount with Metamask (smart contract call)
- Staking Amount Updated on the Frontend
- Withdraw the amount at anytime
Key files and folders structures are as below:
blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project-(root directory)
+-- migrations
| +-- 1_initial_migration.js
| +-- 2_deploy_contracts.js
+-- public
+-- src
| +-- truffle_abis
| +-- Component
| | +-- App.js
| | +-- Main.js
| | +-- Navbar.js
| | +-- ParticleSettings.js
| |
| +-- contracts
| | +-- Migrations.sol
| | +-- DencentralBank.sol
| | +-- RWD.sol
| | +-- Tether.sol
| |
+-- test
| +-- simplestaking.test.js
+-- truffle-config.js
+-- issue-tokens.js
+-- package.json
+-- .env.example
+-- deployed_address.txt
- Issue Token Function - Frontend
- User getting rewards based on how long they have staked