"username": "[[Reisen]]",
"status": "CS student",
"OS": ["win11", "wsl-ubuntu"],
"languages": ["english", "german"],
"password": "VGhpcyBpc24ndCBteSBhY3R1YWxsIHBhc3N3b3JkLCBsb2w=",
"gh_pages": "https://0x32767.github.io/",
"has_job": false,
"discord": "reisen___",
"pronouns": "he/him",
"favourite_game": "東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night",
"programming-languages": ["python", "HTML5+CSS3", "Javascript"],
"loves_foss": true,
"btc_wallet": "0xAC40D835149C1B4116717a49E24B435CEeBabE58"
Hello, I am [[Reisen]], well ok that's just my online alias, but I don't mind at this point. I know both English and German as my speeking language. As far as tech goes I am a big python enthusiast and know the language verry well. I have also got a good grasp of OOP and am starting to wrap my head arround some functional concepts too. My current ambition is to try and get a PhD in cyber security, or in something like that.
I am currently working on a custom programming language (Hanual) and EoSDecomp. If you want me to join a project, feel free to email me ([email protected]) or contact me on discord.