Note: SourceForge now hosts the downloads for this software.
Please go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/sbnw/files/
- Resolve minor TikZ bug
To use as Tellurium plugin:
- Go to http://tellurium.analogmachine.org/ and download a version of Tellurium with the integrated network viewer (at least 1.1.9)
To use as a DLL/shared library:
- On Windows, download the DLL_Only file below
- On Mac OS X, download the sbnw-1.2.6-dylib-only file below
To use Python bindings:
- On Windows, download site-packages-win32-py2.7z and extract the contents to Python's site-packages directory
- On Mac OS X, download site-packages-os-x-py2.7z and extract the contents to Python's site-packages directory
For all files:
- On Windows, download sbnw-1.2.6-win32.7z
- On Mac OS X, download sbnw-1.2.6-os-x.tar.bz2