Tool for quick tagging and deploying releases to Git. Släpp automatically generates and pushes CHANGELOG file to your repo, based on your commit history.
pip install slapp
- Init slapp config
slapp init
- Edit slapp.yml file if needed
- Do some stuff in your repo and commit it with *
git add . && git commit -m "* Added some cool features!"
- Generate release tag and build auto-changelog in one command!
slapp release
Only Semantic Versioning is supported, versions have to be without prefixes or postfixes.
Advanced usage of release
slapp release [OPTIONS] [MANUAL_VERSION]
[MANUAL_VERSION] Manually added version name
-t, --type TEXT Release type: major, minor, patch [default: minor]
--dry / --no-dry Do not perform any actions with git repo [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
You can view all versions in repo by versions
slapp versions [OPTIONS]
-l, --last INTEGER Show only last N versions.
-r, --reverse Order versions by ascending. [default: False]
For example, you want to see the earliest three versions:
slapp versions -r -l 3
You can randomly name your releases from list or several lists of words. Just add random_names option to your config file:
. . .
- [ Aggressive, Brave, Calm ]
- ['Dog', 'Cow', 'Cat']
Släpp will automatically generate a release name for you by mixing words from given lists. For example:
0.1.0 Brave Cat