Imposm configuration wrapper
For now the project use OpenMapTiles schema:
The mapping.yaml comes from
- To generate a mapping.yaml: clone and run make command. Then copy/paste the mapping.yaml file from build folder created by make script. To check if the mapping file in our repo needs an update sometimes to times.
- OpenMapTiles use additional data with OSM, they are added in the database with the import-data image: . This image is called openmaptiles-import in our docker project. Check the repo sometimes to times to see if their is an update.
Steps to deploy:
- Build imposm image
- Create imposm image with configuration files for Imposm + list of .pbf files
- Run imposm & postgis containers + volumes
- Create a postgis db with hstore extension and run imposm container
- Import additional data for openmaptiles schema
- Add Natural Earth and stuff in postgis db
- Import OSM data with openmaptiles mapping file
- Exec imposm import command by iterating on .pbf files
- Boumbap you have an OSM database
For now the 2 only manual steps are:
- Define the area of work through the clip.geojson
- Get .pbf urls and set it in the .env file
Next steps:
- Check OpenMapTiles styles for maps -> Is it following the postgis schema?
- Tegola: How to configure lists of sources/layers + Pregenerate tiles0 + dockerize
- Maputnik: How to open with a specific config file?
- Sprites: library for sprites generation
- Add osm update command + strategy to update tiles if pregenerated tiles are needed