Providing answers with on-chain and off-chain data.
Before running the ol-intelligence-server, make sure:
- Docker is installed. (For Ubuntu:
- Consider making the post installation configuration for Linux users. (
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Navigate to the path that contains the docker-compose.yml file
cd /path/to/yml/directory
- For Ubuntu/Debian execute Service names as they defined in docker-compose.yml can be specified after the database backup filename, but this is optional.
sh dump_all_121222.gz crawler client api
- Test the api at localhost:5004/ping
- Test the app at localhost:3007
- Test the tools at localhost:5005/ping
First build and then run all services defined in docker-compose.yml in background
docker compose up -d --build
Enter the db container to make queries directly on db:
docker exec -it ol-intel-db /bin/bash
/ # su postgres
/ $ psql "<entire content of DATABASE_URL variable in .env file>"
viz_dev=# select count(*) from paymentevent;
viz_dev=# select tx->'script'->>'function_name' from accounttransaction where address <> 'C906F67F626683B77145D1F20C1A753B';
viz_dev=# exit
/ $ exit
/ # exit
Get logs from a container
docker logs ol-intel-crawler
Get running containers
docker ps -a
Shut down comtainers and remove volumes (e.g. remove db)
docker compose down -v
Force remove a comtainers
docker rm -f ol-intel-crawler
Apply a design like See issues on github Define branch naming conventions Optimize tools container (or merge with crawler or api)
Two branches are pretty standard and self explanatory, dev and main. Development is never done directly on these two branches. Work branches are merged to dev branch. Testing is done on dev branch and only from dev branch it is allowed to push to main branch.