Toolset to index log entries from n number of 0L validator log files based upon a series of time ranges.
- Have docker installed properly.
- Have the requirements installed:
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
First pull the latest postgres image:
docker pull postgres
Run the image:
docker run\
--name researchDB\
-p 5432:5432\
-e POSTGRES_USER=research\
-e POSTGRES_DB=research\
-d postgres
- Check if the db is receiving connections:
docker logs researchDB
- Define the desired configurations in
- Run
Get into the the container shell:
docker exec -it researchDB /bin/bash
Enter the db container to make queries directly on db:
docker exec -it ol-intel-db /bin/bash
/ # su postgres
/ $ psql postgresql://research:research@localhost:5432/research
research=# select _json from validatorlog where _json->>'name' = 'progress_check';
research=# exit
/ $ exit
/ # exit
Take down the container (and lose all data in it):
docker rm -f researchDB
Create a db dump:
docker exec -t researchDB pg_dumpall -c -U research | gzip > ./assets/db_dumps/dump_all.gz
Restore a db dump:
gunzip < ./assets/db_dumps/dump_all.gz | docker exec -i researchDB psql -U research -d research
In postgres, one can access json elements inside a JSONB field by using the -> and/or --> operator:
- Optimize recurring code
- Make test async, if possible
- Remove code blocks never visited, if any
- Add date regex generator