Releases: ztalbot2000/homebridge-cmd4
New directives for feat in progress
This release just adds some new Cmd4 directives in advance of an upcoming feature so that testing that feature does not involve swapping out the config.json.
Polling Enhancements
Note: v3.4.1 fixes small bug where "Always" was doing cached. However, the note for v3.4.0 below, still applies.
- This update tries to resolve the ambiguities with the Cmd4 Directive, "fetch". Just by its name and that it impacts both the "Get" and "Set" characteristic values; The Cmd4 directive is changing from "fetch" to "Cmd4_Mode". A warning will be generated indicating you should change to the new format.
The Cmd4_Mode value of "Cached" changes to "Demo" and a new value is instituted as "FullyPolled" has been created.
Please consult the Cmd4_Mode diagram.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you don't know about Cmd4's Github pages; You may wish to check them out.
Take care,
John Talbot
IOS 14 updated
Brought about by IOS 14 and the latest Homebridge changes, Cmd4 now follows the Homebridge Dynamic Plugin Template, with support for many new devices and characteristics too. Along with hopefully more concise documentation and some interesting new features, I hope you enjoy Cmd4 for years to come.
John Talbot
Refactor into smaller manageable pieces
What is new are some examples of scripts for ping and wake on lan and can be found in the Extras/CMD4Scripts/Examples sub-directory.
Add state_cmd_prefix and state_cmd_suffix
A minor improvement for those who have even more complicated scripts.
Add Linked accessories
This release adds in linked accessories, defining all characteristic properties for the purpose of checking config.json and minor bug fixes
Latest Release
Update to latest release
First Stable Release
Fully functional way of virtualizing ~all accessory types.