+### [org.zowe.kotlinsdk.zowe.config](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-kotlin-sdk/tree/main/src/main/kotlin/org/zowe/kotlinsdk/zowe/config/)
+This package provides the functionality to work with **[Zowe Team Config v2](https://docs.zowe.org/stable/user-guide/cli-using-using-team-profiles/)**. The **[ZoweConfig](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-kotlin-sdk/tree/main/src/main/kotlin/org/zowe/kotlinsdk/zowe/config/ZoweConfig.kt)** class provides the functions to parse and manipulate the **zowe.config.json** file. See the **[org.zowe.kotlinsdk.zowe.examples](#orgzowekotlinsdkzoweexamples)** package for examples.
+### [org.zowe.kotlinsdk.zowe.examples](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-client-kotlin-sdk/tree/main/src/main/kotlin/org/zowe/kotlinsdk/zowe/examples/)
+This package provides the examples of how to work with **[Zowe Team Config v2](https://docs.zowe.org/stable/user-guide/cli-using-using-team-profiles/)** in Kotlin.
+## Contributing
+For the general contributing rules, refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/zowe/zowe-explorer-intellij/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) under **Zowe Explorer plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA repo**
+### To run unit tests
+./gradlew test
+### To run integration tests
+ NOTE: Integration tests are running under the real environment setup. To run them, you need either to have the environment setup and provide all the necessary env variables or to stub the functionality of the z/OSMF REST API responses.
+Before running integration tests, you need three variables to be set up:
+- **``ZOSMF_TEST_URL``** - an URL of the real mainframe with z/OSMF REST API to run the tests
+- **``ZOSMF_TEST_USERNAME``** - a username with appropriate permissions to run the tests
+- **``ZOSMF_TEST_PASSWORD``** - a user password to run the tests
+To run the integration tests:
+./gradlew intTest
+### To generate source code documentation
+We use **[Dokka](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka)** to generate the SDK documentation.
+To generate the docs, run:
+./gradlew dokkaHtml
+The generated docs will be generated under **build/dokka/html**
+## Release process
+The rules and commands below describe how to publish artifacts for the Zowe Client Kotlin SDK in Zowe JFrog artifactory.
+### Rules to publish
+1. The version of the built SDK will be in a **SemVer** format. To provide a build that is not yet ready to be publicly used, add the **-rc.n** at the end of the version, where **n** is **the next release candidate**.
+2. Provide **`zowe.deploy.username`** and **`zowe.deploy.password`** as the parameters of the **`release`** command to specify the credentials to the [Zowe Artifactory](https://zowe.jfrog.io/), as well as the **`artifactory_user`** and the **`artifactory_password`** (generally, the credentials might be the same, but the variables are different for the different tasks during the release process).
+./gradlew release -Pzowe.deploy.username=$ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME -Pzowe.deploy.password=$ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD -Partifactory_user=$ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME -Partifactory_password=$ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME
+ NOTE: You can set properties in two ways:
- on the command-line: -Pzowe.deploy.username=$USERNAME -Pzowe.deploy.password=$PASSWORD
- in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
+ WARNING: Do not commit exact properties to the GitHub repository. This is a confidential information. Properties used during the GitHub Release Workflow are stored securely under GitHub Secrets.
+### Release SNAPSHOT artifacts
+./gradlew publishAllVersions
+### Release final artifacts
+./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true # new patch
+./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.scope=patch # new patch
+./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.scope=minor # new minor
+./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.scope=major # new major
+### Release artifacts with a custom version
+./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.releaseVersion=0.0.0 -Prelease.newVersion=1.1.0-SNAPSHOT